Cannes Lions


SHACKLETON AD, Madrid / COTY / 2008

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Lancaster Skincare faces several problems:In advertising context, Lancaster is defeated by more aspirational brands.In spite of its strong positioning in the sun care market, the brand’s Skincare range is perceived as being “a bit anchored in the past”, old-fashioned, classic… Lancaster is not well known among consumers and channel personnel. Thus channel is less likely to prescribe Lancaster products due to this lack of knowledge.


The low level of brand knowledge and recommendation by sales people made us propose an overall change to Coty. A change that would generate a new dimension of relationship with the sellers and Lancaster. We developed a Relatable Marketing Program: The SECRETS Program, which progressively revealed the different secrets of the brand through information, promotions, materials, etc. We aimed to generate notoriety at each stage, accomplishing an affinity for the brand, and maintaining the target’s interest throughout the program.Each one of the different target markets received different material with formats and messages adapted specifically for each one of them.


Quantitative:Skincare sales increase of 18% from 2006.Average 89% of right answers.Qualitative (results of annual quantitative research and mystery shopping biannual research):Lancaster goes from 9th to 4th (spontaneous knowledge of the brand).Lancaster Skincare benefits are well known by 92% of the impacted shop assistants.

Most notorious action among assistants: 82% of answers.Lancaster is the brand ensuring bigger communication continuity and adding major value (6.2 out of 7 in suggested answer to: “it gives me more than just presents for selling its products”).

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