Cannes Lions
LOWE SINGAPORE, Singapore / BREEZE / 2015
The T-Napkin is a napkin that unfolds into a T-shirt. It is placed in restaurants to surprise and engage diners, challenging them to wash the stains off the shirt with a Breeze sample at the end of the meal. It is a sampling exercise that offers a tangible challenge and therefore, motivation, for each individual to try the product—that if successful, translates into a freebie in the form of a T-shirt that can actually be worn for continuous brand engagement.
In restaurants, diners were surprised with napkins that unfolded into t-shirts. These “T-Napkins” could be worn over any top, to catch spills from any angle. Best of all, they came with a sample sachet of Breeze, so diners could turn stained T-Napkins back into spotlessly new T-shirts.
T-Napkins let diners enjoy their meals without worrying about accidental spills or stains. But because practically all diners surveyed inadvertently stained their T-Napkins, they claimed they’d be more than happy to put Breeze to the test. With the success of this sampling exercise, T-Napkins will be introduced in more restaurants and outlets.
This direct marketing exercise is carried out in 10 restaurants – 6 Singapore, 2 Vietnam and 2 Philippines.
67% of the restaurants' customers were tested and all of them said they will give Breeze a test.