Cannes Lions


McKINNEY, Durham / LENOVO / 2012

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An average computer takes about 90 seconds to boot up. For our target audience of time-starved, tech-savvy doers, that was seen as a major waste of time.

If perception is reality, then things were worse. Through research we discovered that people have a skewed perception of boot-up times, with some believing their computer took up to 10 minutes to power up.

Thanks to its RapidBoot technology, Lenovo had cut the boot-up time of its computers to as little as 10 seconds.

Our goal was to get the word out about RapidBoot, and boost awareness of the Lenovo brand outside the business world.We played our target’s 10-minute perception against our 10-second reality in a powerful “life or death” demonstration — “Boot or Bust.”“Boot or Bust” and its behind-the-scenes video appeared in theatres worldwide. Because we knew our target accessed mobile devices during boot up, and because cinemagoers carry smartphones, our call to action led viewers to a mobile-friendly microsite.

The site experience, inspired by our video, sends visitors hurtling through the clouds with the swipe of a finger.By leveraging our target’s experience with long boot-up times, and their understanding of gravity, “Boot or Bust” was able to smash perceptions.

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