Cannes Lions

Let It All Art

Publicis Groupe Belgium, Brussels / BNP PARIBAS / 2022

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Belgium was still in lockdown at the time, and they’d been in lockdown for nearly a year. This was taking its toll, not only on the mental health of the Belgian population but also on specific sectors that had been closed with no clear idea of when they would be open again, such as the cultural sector. When developing our idea, we knew we had to create something that was safe (that wouldn’t enhance group gatherings & increase the spreading of the disease) and with the end goal of creating a symbol, that we, Belgians, had survived the great pandemic.


Let It All Art allowed all Belgians to turn negative emotions and frustrations that were caused by the Covid pandemic into something positive by screaming on the digital platform

An algorithm analysed the pitch, timbre and volume of each scream. Based on these 3 data points, it created different corresponding shapes and colours and merged to shape a piece of art. Each artwork that was generated by the AI was personal and unique.

Belgians interacted and engaged with the brand with their voice while relieving themselves of the negativity they had bottled up during the lockdown.

Once the covid measure were lifted, we exposed all these screams on a wall in the centre of Brussels.

The aim of this monument was to prove that each Belgian could transform negativity into something positive while stimulating art in the heart of Brussels.


As Covid-19 was taking its toll, on the mental health of the Belgian population (increase in number of depressions and burnouts over the last year), we targeted the whole Belgian population

we drove traffic to the digital mural asking them to help us create this gigantic monument with videos and banners on digital platforms. The algorithm worked on these 3 data points: pitch, timbre, and volume of each scream.

69.293 Belgians interacted with the platform, spending on average 1min30 exploring it (twice the average). 5.496 of them used our tool to let their anger out. Thanks to this massive participation, we were able to create a physical mural, made of 449 unique art pieces. The wall generated 588 000 contacts during the 6 weeks it was up.


The algorithm worked on these 3 data points: pitch, timbre, and volume of each scream. You could visually see these different geometrical shapes come out in varied sizes and colors out of the persons mouth and merge together in end to form one harmonious piece of art. Each artwork that was generated by the AI was as personal and unique as each person’s unique voice.

Platform allowed you to test the tool as many times as you wished before recording your definite scream. Once you had decided of the moment you had to scream for 6 seconds none stop to record a valid scream and create a unique piece of art.

We kicked off the campaign on 15th March 2021, on the anniversary of the lockdown.

For 6 weeks we built the awareness around the platform and explained the reasons behind it through earned media in the national press. Simultaneously, we encouraged Belgians to try the tool and contribute to the mural asking them to help us create this gigantic monument with videos and banners on digital platforms (Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitch).

On 21st of April, we installed our physical wall with all the different pieces of art that each person had created, at the Bourse, in Brussels. This wall was live until 7th June 2021.

We exceeded every media performance and traffic goals we had set for a 6-week campaign on our digital platforms: Youtube, Facebook, Instagram and Twitch. We were also heavily present in the press: total earned media value estimated at 80.000€.


We were heavily present in the press: total earned media value estimated at 80.000€.

69.293 Belgians interacted with the platform, spending on average 1min30 exploring it (twice the average). 5.496 of them used our tool to let their anger out.

Watching others scream generated relief as there were 17.129 clicks to view the digital art wall. Thanks to this massive participation, we were able to create a physical mural, made of 449 unique art pieces. These results demonstrate the importance of connecting with consumers on a personal level and truly helping them. They also suggest a positive brand image and likeability in the long run.

The physical wall of 50m long produced 588.000 contacts over the 6-week period it was up.

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