Cannes Lions

Life Is

OGILVY, Madrid / SUCHARD / 2024

Case Film
Supporting Content






Suchard is a local brand that is only sold in Spain and has been present in Spanish Christmas for 50 years. The brand wanted to take a look at its history.

It is a brand with a tight budget that is forced to compete in one of the most saturated dates in terms of commercial communication of the whole year. We had to find a formula that would allow us to reach the whole country regardless of age. Due to the limited budget, we also had to find an idea that could live on its own without depending on an elaborate media plan.

We had to find a way to review the history of the brand in the country and its presence as a supporting actor in Christmas.


We created a story to show how Suchard has always been there, while highlighting the importance of relationships. How two people, two friends, a couple, create a bond and, by nurturing that relationship, it grows bigger and bigger over the years creating something as wonderful as a family can end up being.

We decided to show everyone's story, the story of our country. The common story of all the families throughout the 50 years of the brand's life. We included historical moments and other typical moments that we have all shared and, among them, without having a leading role, in a subtle way, but always present, has been Suchard.

We used animation to make it possible for everyone to identify with it and we made use of a reduced format to motivate people to share it.


In a time saturated with messages, we decided to defend the greatest purpose of all, life. And Christmas is that moment when we see each other again and, to enjoy it, we just have to take care of the ties with the people we love.

We had to reach the whole country. It was not about reaching a specific target, but that our message would reach all Spaniards. We wanted everyone to feel identified with the film, and also for the work to be easy to share.

We had to create a film capable of reaching everyone and summarizing Suchard's role in Christmas. A campaign capable of jumping from mobile to mobile, from generation to generation.


We created a life that everyone could identify with. We decided to show the story, not only of a family, but of a whole country. We used animation so that everyone could see themselves reflected and, at the same time, we included key moments in the country's history. A spot to summarize everyone's history.

“Life is” was produced using CG animation, starting with character design (drawn by hand), storyboarding, and voice acting. Then, 3D models are built, textured, and rigged for animation. After pre-visualisation, the directors and animators bring the characters to life. Lighting, effects, and background painting add depth with compositing providing the final polish. For this film, one of the biggest challenges was portraying a multi-generational family that remained recognisable, funny and emotional. The directors leveraged their skills for design as well as performance and timing to craft characters that remained instantly familiar and lovable throughout their lives. The biggest hurdle was striking a balance between character growth – ensuring physical changes aligned with core personalities –  within the film's narrative.  This demanded exceptional clarity in communicating the family's key milestones with performance, making the emotional moments and comedic beats even more critical to the story's success.

We took care of the most concrete details. We reviewed the evolution of the clothes, the hairstyles, but we also made the house an evolving character throughout the story. The elements in it vary, grow and evolve. By taking care of these details, we also made the story much more authentic.

The work crossed borders and became one of the most relevant Christmas stories around the world. It ended up included among the best spots of the year in international rankings and went viral even in countries where the brand is not present.


During the premiere, 15 key media outlets attended, leading to 32 media impacts with a reach of 70.9 million and a 100% positive tone. Following this, three press releases were issued, reaching over 250 media outlets and resulting in 267 publications, with a reach of 464 million and again maintaining a 100% positive tone. In total, the campaign achieved an impressive reach of 534 million users. This extensive coverage and overwhelmingly positive reception highlight the success of Suchard's PR strategy in solidifying its position as a cherished Christmas tradition, resonating deeply with audiences across various sectors and demographics.

The campaign became the most viewed and shared campaign in the history of Spain, surpassing 60MM organic views, 1.8 million likes, 560,000 shares and 2 times trending topic. It went viral in 22 countries (more than 47,000 mentions and a positive sentiment of 97%) and reached more than 170 countries.

The piece has appeared 297 times in national media (more than 530MM impacts) and in 30 international media.

Regarding the market, the results scored among the top 5% of all Western European campaigns in Impact, Engagement and Distinctiveness.

The brand achieved the highest-ever purchase intent, increasing +30% vs. the previous year.

Suchard achieved the highest-ever-sales campaign in its history and gained the largest volume share (+1,2pp) from our main competitor.

We saw a clear impact of the communication campaign, reverting from -4,7% in volume sales to +3,9% as soon as we aired the campaign.

Suchard’s purpose increased from 79% to 90%.

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