Spikes Asia

"Life Replaces Pain" - Campaign


Presentation Image






As one of the leading OTC Oral Analgesics brands Panadol has a powerful purpose at its heart: the holistic focus on people as opposed to a focus onl on pain killing. Panadol knows that pain gets in the way of what matters most to people: their relationships, moments together. And Panadol helps people to be there, free of pain - with products that perfectly balance efficacy with suitability.

This brand idea is best expressed in the global brand tagline: when pain is gone, life takes its place.

But this brand idea had not been single-mindedly communicated in the past 2 years. Much of the communication had focused on product messaging and specific variants. The global brand leadership identified the need to change that by adding a brand campaign with the potential to go global. A campaign celebrating life.


The idea for the specific situation featured in the poster was one of hundreds that came up at concept stage. We knew that it had to look stunning and that we needed to be in full control of all elements and layers of the image. This would only be achieved with CGI. At the same time the entire point of the campaign is the brands connection to real life. That meant: CGI had to be invisible. The images had to look hyperreal. Working with an extremely artistic CGI imagery expert we set forth to create just that.

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2022, TENA

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