Cannes Lions

Lifebuoy Help A Child Reach 5 - Chamki



1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions






This film is about a ‘real-life’ experiment conducted in a ‘real-location’ and on a ‘real-pregnant’ woman. The visuals tell a touching tale of an expectant mother who is introduced to her ‘Future Child’ and leaves us with a powerful thought of how to ‘Help a Child Reach 5’.

We are introduced to a real village in the interiors of India wherein there is a high infant mortality rate and poor health standards, wherein lives our protagonist- hopeful of raising a healthy child.

Just then, the film crew comes in the picture and conducts the experiment through Chamki- ‘The Future Child’, who is eternally grateful to her mother for diligently washing her hands, especially during the first 28 days post birth- due to which she has been able to cross the age of 5.

The film brings a real-issue to light through the experiment and teaches us a life-saving habit.


Good casting is a combination of pitch-perfect acting, character representation, matching physical appearance/s to the character part and originality.

Our characters had be inhabitants of villages with the highest infant mortality rate in the country, be interesting enough to engage with the audience and be able to emote.

To further add to the challenge, we would not share the details of the ‘experiment’ with our protagonist.

Our team conducted casting for over 3 months to identify a real pregnant woman, willing to engage in our ‘experiment’ in her 7th month of pregnancy. Her husband, in-laws, family and close friends had to also fit the casting brief AND be willing to participate in the production.

In order to lend absolute credibility to the ‘experiment’, the ‘Future-child’ - Chamki had to be a most endearing character, from the same region and ethnicity yet, someone who our protagonist had never seen before.


1. Authenticity: To maintain absolute authenticity and honesty towards the subject without misleading any detail or reaction in the film. 'Real-life experiment' was always our clear brief.

2. Casting: This was a never done before challenge wherein we had to cast a 'real-pregnant' woman who lives in a 'real-village' having high infant mortality rate, whose neighbours/friends have lost a child before and who would allow us to shoot in her seventh month of pregnancy.

3. Treatment of the subject/s: We had to be absolutely sincere and honest towards the [off-camera] subject which is the content & [on-camera] subject - the protagonist.

4. Location: Finding the 'real-location' having high infant-mortality due to low sanitation standards, diarrhoea deaths and Unilever having initiated developmental work and overall being a true representative of India

5. Project-Timelines: Four months of post-production and leading to a 3minuter from 129 hours of footage and worldwide collaborations.

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