Dubai Lynx

Lifebuoy Purpose

MAGNA, Cairo / UNILEVER / 2021

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Case Film
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Lifebuoy runs the world’s largest behaviour change program to encourage hand washing. In response to the global pandemic, the brand has embarked on a public service campaign to remind people that hand hygiene and using any soap brand can help reduce the spread of infections in less than 48 Hrs from first news of the outbreak.

For this, the brand launched full-fledged campaign with the aim of reaching audiences both online and offline with the objective of reach to educate people about the importance of handwashing and safety precautions during the pandemic

The campaign was geared towards growing Lifebuoy’s market shared from the number 2 brand in the market to be a market leader and surpassing the competition. While raising awareness on the importance of hygiene by announcing a public service campaign to encourage handwashing habits


Given the importance of the message and the situation of the outbreak we shifted Lifebuoy’s regular targeting which was geared towards mothers and focused on maximizing the reach for both Males and Females alike. Allowing for a broader audience and focused message.

Since our audience was broad, we had to segment them by platform to ensure we cover everyone. Using TV for older audiences YT, FB Anghami & Shahid for younger to mid age target while fledging TikTok to educate our younger audience group.

For this deploying high reach platforms like TV, YouTube, Facebook, Shahid and Anghami was a must to create the impact and spread the word. While partnering up with social media influencers to promote regular handwashing. For the first time a Unilever brand was partnering up with TikTok for #Do The Lifebuoy Challenge. To further maximize our reach, we activated unconventional channels like hospitals and taxi screens.


The Core of the creative message lied in the simplicity of the message and the advocacy of using any soap brand not just Lifebuoy. By having messages that showcase different precaution measures and fact checks while encouraging the use of any hand soap, we were able to establish trust with the consumers.

We tailored messages for each platform keeping long for copies for YT & Shahid while using short form messages on FB & IG. While for engagement platforms like TikTok we focused on creating a dynamic user generated challenge that allowed us to spread the message to our younger target group We started by curating a catchy jingle explaining basic handwashing that users had to follow and re-create.

We also had to make sure that we are integrating Lifebuoy throughout the entire user journey by activating Search and E Commerce. we also deployed innovative sampling techniques via on ground.


Media Results:

• 25M Reached in Arabia and Mashreq

• 4.1M Views from Mashreq

• Facebook CPM 69% lower than Benchmarks

• YouTube CPV 50% lower than Benchmarks

• VTR of 30% which was 27% higher than the benchmark

• Search CTR was 4X higher than the benchmark increasing the website traffic 2,000%

• On TikTok the challenge received 750K views with over 500K videos created

The on-ground efforts covered over 300 hospital screens and over 800K taxies. In addition, we had over 850 mail facings and sanitization stations installed

Business Results

• #1 BU on growth globally

• Number 1 in handwashing surpassing Dettol

• Egypt Grew 4X LB USG in H1 2020

• 7X E commerce growth in skin cleansing

• Lifebuoy is now a 100M EGP brand in Egypt.

• 208% Sales increase in Egypt

• 152% Sales Increase in GCC

• Crowed market leader in UAE

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