Spikes Asia

Little Big e-Motion



1 Bronze Spikes Asia
5 Shortlisted Spikes Asia
Presentation Image
Case Film
Supporting Images






The Hospital is a fearful place for anyone, especially children. Medical staffs say that stress can affect young patient's willingness for treatment and even their treatment results. This was the same for little Maria.

Our campaign was designed so that children could actually experience Little Big e-Motion physically in SJD Barcelona children’s hospital. After the film shoot, the car would be donated to the hospital for future studies.

So, on the first day of Little Big e-Motion's donation, we filmed the whole process of our first passenger, Maria's meeting the car, and taking a ride around the hospital experiencing all the medical and entertainment features in the car. Our intention was to film Maria's first encounter moment as naturally as possible.

Currently, Little Big e-Motion has been donated to SJD Barcelona Children’s Hospital after the film shoot. And is being used for further user tests and studies.


Hyundai Motor Group developed their emotion adaptive driving technology(EAVC) into an innovative mobility solution for children patients and medical staffs.

Little Big e-Motion is a one and only toy car designed just for children in their sick beds. It presents a different, special experience during the ride from their hospital bed to the treatment room.

Facial recognition system in Little Big e-Motion identify the child patient’s emotion. Lightings inside and outside the vehicle change colors in steps (red-orange-green) to inform the medical staff of the child’s state.

Sensors applied to the seatbelt measures heart and respiratory rate and trigger breathing exercise function to help children stabilize. Music and animation entertain and help children understand the treatment process. Various other features are designed to help children relieve stress and feel refreshed. Moreover, all these measurement data is shared with the medical staff to aid pre check-up process before the main treatment.


Our car is not just a toy.

While the child is riding and interacting with Little Big e-Motion, devices within the car collect data such as facial expression and heart beat rate.

This data is used to diagnose the child's psycological state real time. And the result is projected through ambient lighting system built into the car, and also to the tablet PC given to the medical staffs for careful monitoring.

Little Big e-Motion is meaningful first because it targets not only sick children undergoing difficult treatments, but also their loving families and medical staffs working hard to help them go back to regular daily lives.

Further user tests and studies in SJD Barcelona Children’s Hospital using the car will continue to find more use for the data collected through interaction. Future developments can also increase the variety of data that can be collected and utilized through Little Big e-Motion.


The Hospital is a fearful place for anyone, especially children. Medical staffs say that stress can affect young patient's willingness for treatment and even their treatment results. This insight initiated our project which took more than a year to be introduced to the world.

First, Hyundai Motor Group cooperated with MIT Media Lab to draw out research tasks that developed into technologies applied to Little Big e-Motion. Facial recognition data was used to diagnose the rider's emotional state, and this data was linked together with medical staff's experiential data to be developed into the technology just for Little Big e-Motion as a theraphy car.

Then we designed the campaign so that children could actually experience Little Big e-Motion physically in SJD Barcelona children’s hospital. Therefore, every internal & external design was created specifically in a child friendly way.

We filmed this experience and globally executed the campaign via YouTube. Before the main film, 2 teaser films featureing the making & shipping of the mini car was uploaded on various owned media channels to boost attention.

Through the campaign we helped the audience around the world realize how important not only physical treatment but also emotional care can be for young patients. Currently, Little Big e-Motion has been donated to the hospital. And is being used for further user tests and studies.


1) Impressions : Approximately 82,990,670

2) Views : Approximately 26,456,717

3) Positive Engagement: Over 196,004 Globally

4) Performance : 28% more exposure / 3510% more positive responses / 19% more views achieved compared to media cost execution.

Many viewers have commented that they want to try out this heartwarming technology. And were amazed that a car company's technology could help the world in this creative way.

5) Organic PR: More than 82 domestic media outlets and more than 51 reports have been made on the Little Big e-Motion project in various countries around the world.

6) On-going: More than 75 child patients have experienced our car, and 75 more are scheduled for the test. The research is still in progress.

*Hyundai Motor Group plans to continue developing EAVC technology and expand its use into future mobility devices in hopes of enhancing driver safety and well-being.

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