Cannes Lions

Local Love

TIKTOK, Tokyo / TIKTOK / 2024

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Case Film
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Case Film
Case Film
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In Japan, a country prone to disasters, immediate and overwhelming support is extended to affected areas when disasters occur. However, over time, this support tends to diminish, even if the affected areas have not fully recovered.

Reflecting on what TikTok could do in such situations, we realized that our greatest strength lies in keeping users engaged through the power of entertainment, continuously involving them in various causes. We thought that perhaps we could get people engaged with important issues, such as supporting cities recovering from natural disasters, long after the public has lost interest.


Under the concept of "Supporting Local Communities through the Power of Entertainment," we organized a charity live event called "Local Love TikTok LIVE." This event was held in five regions, including Tohoku and Kumamoto, focusing on areas that have experienced disasters. It was streamed simultaneously in nine markets around the world, not just in Japan. The live stream featured local celebrities and musicians, and TikTok made donations based on the total number of "likes," "comments," and "gifts" sent by fans during the live broadcast. Through TikTok LIVE, we created a platform to support local communities across Japan and around the world.


Essentially relied on an organic media strategy, targeting local media in the area, in addition to social approach to maximize the output. Approached traditional media including NHK and local newspapers from a local community enlivement and social good perspective, while also approaching local entertainment shows using local celebrity and TikTok creators' elements. Our goal was to amplify the key message of "Supporting Local Communities through TikTok's Power of Entertainment," and to gain sympathy, to be the topic of talk, and to be relevant to such local communities. Our strategy revolved around striking the Japanese tendency of having a strong local love.


Local Love places great importance on collaborating with local governments and other local entities to create each live stream. For example, in the live stream held in Tohoku in October 2023, we visited the area with the participating creators in September to shoot the VTR to be shown during the live stream. We visited the city hall and explored the remains of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, listening to the current situation of recovery from the disaster and the voices of the local people. Leading up to the live stream day, we conducted various promotions, including announcement activities as TikTok, and asked the creators who visited the local area to post announcement videos.

For other live streams, we have been discussing with each local government over several months and conducting promotions using various methods to carry out the live broadcasts.


The response was overwhelming, with the streams amassing over five million user reactions. They also inspired almost two hundred media stories, including by public broadcaster NHK. The public was once again engaged with disaster-hit areas as they continued working towards full recovery. And as promised, we donated a total $150,000 to aid those efforts.

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