Cannes Lions

Lose It all. Win it all.

WIEDEN+KENNEDY, Mexico / NIKE / 2024

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In the context of Mexico's female team absence in the 2023 World Cup, this campaign presents an opportunity to redefine victory through its athletes. Despite not participating in the tournament, victory for Mexican women transcends the soccer field. It signifies societal progress and empowerment. Statistics show that although professional women's soccer in Mexico is only seven years old compared to the century-long history of men's soccer, it is gaining traction. However, there are disparities in budgetary allocations and media reach, with men's soccer receiving larger investments and coverage. This campaign aims to challenge the national sentiment of defeat and reframes it into seven years of progress. By highlighting the achievements and resilience of female athletes, the campaign seeks to empower girls and women to recognize their victories beyond the soccer field, fostering societal change and promoting gender equality.


Shooting with athletes who have tight schedules can be challenging due to their rigorous training regimens, competitions, and endorsement commitments. Every minute counted, leaving little room for error or reshoots. Additionally, directing athletes posed challenges as they lacked experience in front of a camera or following scripted actions. Clear communication and patience were necessary to capture the desired performance within the limited timeframe.

Children on set added another layer of complexity, as their energy and curiosity required a delicate balance of focus and discipline while allowing for spontaneity. Child labor laws further restricted their working hours, necessitating efficient scheduling.

Location challenges included shooting in a bustling Mexican market. We couldn't close the market for production, so we had to work around existing conditions, improvising to capture shots while minimizing disruptions to vendors and shoppers.


The campaign went viral, reaching 165M people organically and positioning itself in the most relevant media in Mexico (Fox Sports, CNN, El Universal, among others).

- 504M Media Impressions (+14% vs. plan)

- 126M Media Views (+6% vs plan)

- 1.6M Media Clicks (+14% vs plan)

The campaign had a positive sentiment of 70%, this was an increase of +25 points compared to the WWC23 campaign.

Nike was in the top 10 Trending Topic on X on the first day of the campaign launch.

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