Cannes Lions

Love the Journey

KETCHUM, London / ADOBE / 2022

Presentation Image
Supporting Content
Case Film






As a brand that provides the technology to enable creativity, Adobe has earned a global reputation for creative collaboration. Looking to enhance the brand mission of Creativity for All, our London office embarked on a campaign to “Love the Journey,” encouraging creative careers for the next generation of Adobe users. We knew there was a significant issue to address: only 4.4% of people in the creative industries are from minority backgrounds. Our research found that 67% of students say they do not feel supported by their parents if they pursue a creative career. Many parents from minority ethnic backgrounds hold onto dreams of their sons and daughters becoming doctors and lawyers.

So, we set out to create a message of support that unites aspiring artists and caring parents alike, ignites creative passion in the next generation of creators, and helps them navigate the next stage in their journey.


We found the perfect bridge between aspiring young artists and parents willing to support their dreams: British rapper, singer and actress Little Simz and her Nigerian-born mother. Turning a heartfelt love letter to her mum into an artistic performance, Little Simz expresses gratitude to her biggest fan for the “faith, care and space to dream” that allowed her to pursue a successful creative career -- and imagines a world where every child receives the same open-minded parental support and encouragement.

The compelling 2:00 video became the centerpiece of a UK campaign that raised awareness of the little-known cultural barriers to creative professions and provided both inspiration and direction for young Brits looking to turn artistic passion into rewarding careers.


Every student is a work in progress. They’re still trying to figure out who they are and what they want to be. And they’re under intense pressure to make decisions that will shape their entire future. Add the pressure of pleasing parents who prefer traditional professions over artistic passions, and “Love the Journey” takes on a critical purpose.

In terms of “influencers,” parents are still number-one for many students. Our strategy was to embrace and empower parents from minority ethnic backgrounds rather than villainize them. And, to educate and inspire them with the possibilities of a creative career for their own child.

Our original brand content would make both student and parent the hero: the true story of a young Brit who rose to creative acclaim with the unwavering support and sacrifice of her Nigerian born mother.


The UK team partnered with British rapper, singer and actress Little Simz to create a love letter to the mother who never wavered in supporting her dreams. We crafted Little Simz performance into a compelling 2:00 “Love the Journey” video hosted on Adobe’s YouTube channel and Adobe’s homepage,

To extend the cultural relevance of the campaign, the team partnered with seven influencers from Black, Asian, and minority ethnic backgrounds with roles in the creative sector (Ron Timehin, Linda Blacker, David Fadd, Joey Yu, Hawwa Alam, and Fa and Fon Watkins) who shared their career journeys, support systems, and inspiration. Media interviews with Little Simz highlighted brand and campaign content. A partnership with British internet media specialists Unilad extended social media channel engagement with British youth. Campaign links to a “Love the Journey” website provided real life case studies, creative career options, and a quiz offering custom career advice.


Media coverage of the UK’s Love the Journey campaign increased relevant awareness and consideration for Adobe among Next Gen creators and students and generated more than 2 million impressions. Leading UK creative industry trade media spotlighted the campaign as an important breakthrough, and top entertainment, lifestyle and culture media, including Glamour, ES Magazine and Wonderland, profiled Little Simz’ moving film and story.

More than 1.4 million impressions came from the Unilad strategic partnership, which resulted in 5.7k click throughs to Adobe campaign content. Impressions also met our target goals: 57% were comprised of 18- to 24-year-olds, and 51% were female.

Total organic reach of influencer content was 91,933, a direct hit among our youth target. Additionally, we reached 2.4 million through 12 nationally syndicated radio interviews featuring Next Gen creative industry spokespeople sharing their own stories to inform and inspire other young people.

“I cannot express enough how special this campaign is to me - it’s for all the aspiring creatives out there who have a passion which makes them come alive, but perhaps lack the resources, support or belief that you can turn it into a career.” - Derin Adetosoye, UK Creator

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