Cannes Lions


OPT, Tokyo / KONAMI / 2011

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In June of 2010, Konami launched "Loveplus+", a sequel to the simulation love game "Loveplus" for Nintendo DS. Because of its creepy nature, the game was strongly despised as being "for Otaku (geeks)" by men in their 20’s and 30’s who were the target. Our purpose was to transform the image from "a sick game for otaku" to a "love entertainment that all men can share", and to achieve the sales target of 120,000. We built a setting in Atami, which would make the visiting fans feel as if they were in a resort with their "girlfriends". The sight of more than 4,000 hardcore fans enjoying the eccentric "date" at first surprised the tourists and locals. The enjoyment of this surprise though, spread smiles throughout Atami and sent out a message which implied "maybe it’s OK to have a relationship like this". The positive PR message was taken up by TV and media in Japan and abroad. As a result, Loveplus+ was a huge hit achieving sales of 200,000, or 167% of the sales target. According to an online survey, half of the game’s buyers listed positive word-of-mouth as a reason for purchase.


We transformed the entire city of Atami, one of the most romantic beach resorts in Japan (a.k.a. Cannes of Japan), into the world of Loveplus+. We distributed the announcement about the "resort trip with girlfriends" only to the hardcore fans. AR markers compatible for iPhone apps were set in sightseeing spots of Atami, and if you used it, the "girlfriends in the game" would pop out and you could take a snap shot together. The girlfriends’ whispering voices were played on the bus and memorabilia was sold in the city. Even the mayor of Atami attended the opening ceremony to celebrate the event. Thanks to the hospitable support of the locals in Atami, the city was filled with Loveplus+ until the closing of the festival, all in an effort to make the fans feel as if they were on a trip with real "girlfriends".


As a result, Loveplus+ became a huge hit with 200,000 games sold -167% of the initial sales target of 120,000. According to an online survey, 65% of the buyers were normal men with stable partners. Also, half of them listed positive word-of-mouth as a reason for purchase. It was proof that the message was transformed by people tolerating different values. More than 4,000 hardcore fans attended the event in Atami during the 50 day period to enjoy the date with their "girlfriends" on a real resort. Media conveyed the positive message that "maybe it’s OK to have a relationship like this", and reported on the warm atmosphere of the city. Atami became a mecca for Loveplus+ fans thereafter, attracting voluntary visits of many with their "girlfriends" today. The hardcore fans are now our assets.

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