Cannes Lions

LUX Getting Ready

VML, Singapore / LUX / 2024

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For over 100 years, LUX has been more than a skin cleansing soap, it's been a beauty brand with a purpose - a brand that champions, and celebrates strong, beautiful women. Lux believes that all women must be able to express their beauty unapologetically. This meant taking our purpose even to sections of the community who are overlooked when it comes to beauty.


LUX decided to shine a light on the issues faced by women ex-offenders who were re-entering society, having been stripped off their femininity, which in turn impacted their self-confidence.


By drawing awareness to the issue, LUX aimed to play a bigger role in society by helping these women seamlessly integrate back into society and regain their sense of lost femininity.


GETTING READY is a campaign that aims to empower women ex-offenders with the strength to face the world again through beauty. Women in prison aren’t just stripped of their freedom, but also their femininity and identity. To help them regain their sense of self-worth, LUX worked in partnership with NGO Agape Seed Fellowship to create GETTING READY – a long-term programme that equips them with the skills to set themselves up for a successful life outside prison, beginning with beauty as an integral part of the process.


While for many people, OUT OF SIGHT means OUT OF MIND, for LUX this was an opportunity to help women ex-offenders re-embrace their femininity and use it as their strength. Studies have proven that inmates with a greater sense of self-worth re-integrate better in society after serving out their sentences.

With a holistic programme that helped them rediscover their sense of self-worth, their self-image and their skills, GETTING READY has been more than just a beauty exercise. It is a movement to re-instil Hope and Self-confidence among women ex-offenders.

Because for women ex-offenders, just being allowed to re-enter society does not constitute FREEDOM, rather TRUE FREEDOM for them is about being ready to regain their femininity and self-worth to lead a successful second life.


The ‘GETTING READY’ programme comprises four modules to help women ex-offenders unlock their confidence and build their personal brand as they start their second life. The modules cover tools to overcome negative thought patterns; hard skills to tackle career goals and employment; improving social skills and communication; and image building, with establishing a beauty routine and finding their own style playing a big part in helping the women increase their confidence and feel good about themselves by looking good. We launched the programme in Singapore, Indonesia and India and documented the experience of the first batch of women in a film which traced their journey of self-discovery and uplifting change.

In addition, LUX along with our NGO partner Agape Seed Fellowship set up a fundraiser for the GETTING READY programme, underscoring LUX’s commitment to empowering women ex-offenders and changing lives.


The 'GETTING READY’ campaign generated $605,000 worth in free PR coverage to 260 million people.

The campaign was covered across leading publications in countries such as USA, UK, Hong Kong, France, UAE, Singapore, Germany, Taiwan, Vietnam, Malaysia and Indonesia.

The biggest impact of the Getting Ready programme was that it empowered 25 women ex-offenders and showcased the power of beauty in helping them regain their self-confidence and sense of self-worth.

This is just the beginning for the LUX GETTING READY programme, with an aim of helping 7000 women ex-offenders re-enter society with their self-worth restored by 2029.

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