
Ma place est dans la salle

FF PARIS, Paris / PRODISS / 2016


2 Gold Eurobest
1 Silver Eurobest
3 Bronze Eurobest
5 Shortlisted Eurobest
Presentation Image
Supporting Images
Case Film






November 13 2015, The ‘Bataclan’, a concert hall in Paris is attacked during a performance. An ideological attack against France, its culture and way of life.

One month after these tragic events, the French people were still traumatized.

In term of attendance, the decline nearly reach 80% : an absolute economic disaster.

On December 18, working alongside for free, printers, producers, mobilized and a real act of solidarity appeared. A symbolic slogan that called for every Parisian, every French person to return to performances in a sign of resistance and struggle against the fear. Concert halls and theaters decided to unite and change the name of their shows to one unique slogan : MA PLACE EST DANS LA SALLE (MY PLACE IS AT THE SHOW) : More than 150 shows changed their name.


We kept the original visual and changed the title "MA PLACE EST DANS LA SALLE" (My place is at the show).


Our creative team changed the name of more than 150 shows, the mention « Ma place est dans la salle » has been added in each billboards and posters that participate to the campaign. Artists, technicians, theatral directors, tickets resellers got mobilized and worked for free. We used more than 250 artists and celebrities to invite each Parisian to return to theaters, concert halls, kids shows…

VIDEO LAUNCH: Celebrities invited people to see the show “Ma Place Est Dans La Salle“ by posting a video from their own social media accounts to help spark viral word-of-mouth and fuel media coverage for the launch of the campaign.

DURING THE NIGHT OF DECEMBER 18: All the shows were fully booked. Parisians shared through social medias their pictures of the posters and the shows. We relayed it all night long and mass media publications joined also the movement.

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