Cannes Lions

Madam President


Presentation Image
Supporting Content






At a time when the future is more uncertain than ever, HP knew there’s one group of people who have the power to change it for the better: Gen Z.

The brief was to come up with a creative idea that would inspire the next generation of leaders to use their creativity to enact positive change in their communities and the world at large.

The objective was not just to talk at Gen Z but to talk with them in a genuine way others could relate to.


Madam President set out to harness the collective power of a group of young people and see the future through their eyes. Armed with creativity, collaboration and technology as their superpower, the four stars of the film helped craft a story around their own experiences as well as their hopes for the future, showing that HP is for every dream in the making.

By featuring real Gen Zers, we authentically showed their vision for the future. Tiana, Kavya, Jacqueline and Fionn collaborated with us on everything from the story to the set design and helped us imagine a world where classrooms are collaborative; climate change has its own department; and plastics are removed from the ocean with ease.


97% of Gen Z distrust those in power but 77% are optimistic about the future. Also, 85% of Gen Z say their future is determined by the choices they make.

Our target audience Gen Z has been described as the most progressive and least partisan generation. Their openness powers their adaptability, creativity and collaboration, fueling Gen Z-ers to shape the future in ways both big and small. An open mindset is powerful beyond belief, and with our tools enabling the world to connect and create together, there is no challenge we can’t overcome.

Social media is used to share our lives, but with Gen Z it’s also used to voice their opinions, share the organizations they’re supporting and promote their advocacy work.

With all of this in mind, we knew that we had to use the issues of today as a catalyst to show a more positive future.


The film begins in a documentary style as four contributors, Jacqueline, Fionn, Tiana and Kavya, talk openly about how they see the future. From there a remake of the popular song “You Get What You Give” plays as the audience follows each contributor through a futuristic time where they turn their dreams into reality with the help of HP.

The campaign launched on November 9, 2020, and ran through the holiday season. The spot aired into Q1 of 2021.

The work ran across owned and paid social channels (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter), YouTube and OTT. Digital work was both on programmatic and display, and some work also ran in retail (stills/digital). The spot was also featured on broadcast channels during Inauguration Day, when it garnered over 4 million impressions.


While creating the film, we didn’t know what the result of the election would be. Either way, it was crucial to depict two Black women as future leaders of our nation because that’s exactly how they see themselves. After the film was released and the election results were determined, the message was even more timely, which people on social media agreed with. The film had a takeover on Inauguration Day, and it was the first commercial to run after the president and vice president were sworn into office where it was met with an emotional response from people on social media.

The campaign is live and results are still pending.

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