Cannes Lions
BBDO PUERTO RICO, Guaynabo / MARS / 2016
Aware of the long hour shifts that an editor has to work, Snickers® knew exactly what went down: she had not been able to eat anything and hunger had taken over.
Snickers® instantly placed a strategic post on their Facebook page that stated the legitimate reason why the editor (of the local Puerto Rican TV channel) made this MAJESTIC error: she was hungry.
Snickers® immediately developed a new hunger symptom, inspired in the error, MAGESTUOSO (Majestic written incorrectly in Spanish) and launched a strategic Facebook campaign around it.
We responded to the incident with a post that read: “A maGestic error happens when you are hungry.” and accompanied it with a Snickers® bar that wore the made up symptom, MAGESTUOSO.
For every international and local media outlet such as CNN, Associated Press, among others that published the article about the mistake on their Facebook page, Snickers® gave personalized explanations of why the error was committed: the editor was hungry.
The MAGESTUOSO post generated massive engagement and reach. As a result, the campaign was expanded onto billboards, radio and by a direct invite from the International Congress of the Spanish Language, we also went to the event to give out Snickers® to avoid any other errors caused by hunger.
In a 24-hour period:
Engagement went up: 2,975%
Organic reach grew: 64X
With an investment of $90, total reach grew: 132K%
Total cost per person reached: a lot less than a penny
Earned media value (international & local): 15K
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