Cannes Lions

Masters of the Fire

JUNG VON MATT, Hamburg / EDEKA / 2018

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“Masters of fire” tells in an epic poem the story of fire and so, the history of man-kind. Beginning with the Neanderthal man who rises in the light of fire from the apes. Visigoth, who conquer the world with torches. After the enlightenment of the Baroque by candlelight and the firepower of the Napoleonic Wars we end in the modern times. But today what has become of it – a Barbie-Q! Vegetarian, vegan, lactose free, fermented and happy-grown vegetables is what men have to grill this days. Unacceptable! So the men of the past have to destroy the prison of decoration and side dishes. And remind the man of today what really counts: just the man, his meat and the flame in his grill.


We wanted an old honourable and mysterious actor. Because fire itself should tell its story in shakespearian words while walking through time. Like a long forgotten truth the old man looks back melancholic to the good old times. And as it’s typical of fire he ignites a spark in the minds of men, ending in a fiery conflagration and destroying everything that stands in its way.

Theatre and movie actor Christopher Fairbank was perfect for the narrator. First he is a kind grandfather with a friendly face, who tells you a story of old days. Like a small spark igniting a warming log fire. But in the end –seeing today– he gets into fire and fury with an incredible intension of a long-time, professional theatre actor. Like a fire roller he approaches the grilling man. Just to switch back to the old kind friend who was always by your side.

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