Cannes Lions


SRA RUSHMORE, Madrid / FLEX / 2011


1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
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A real confinement to bed, or “bed-in”, lasting 40 days, in which two real activists, Ivan (an eco designer) and Camy (a yoga teacher) would spend most of their time on our mattress, in support of the principles of the so-called “Slow Movement”. A bed-in broadcast live, via streaming, 24/7, from our website, continuously generating content with performances, get-togethers, interviews, etc.Our website, a blog, Twitter, Facebook and a minimal support on TV were the media used to obtain the maximum awareness and circulation of the campaign with the lowest possible media spend.

The key to the response obtained was to turn the media themselves, both off and online, into co-stars of the action by inviting journalists, writers, sociologists, etc. to take an active role, which they would subsequently report on or write about in their blogs, TV or radio programmes, press articles, etc.


From the first day, hundreds of media reported on the challenge that aroused such curiosity: the free buzz generated practically equalled the media investment.More than 400,000 visitors dropped in on our confinement on the Internet. But best of all was that this creative use of the digital media got each user to spend an average of 4 minutes interacting, four times the usual time spread in a digital advertising action. No prize draws, no free gifts, just out of pure interest. And there, they all discovered naturally the mattress that made the stars’ lives easier.

In six weeks, Wellness Bioceramics mattresses accounted for 15% of Flex sales to selected distributors, tripling the initial objective.

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