Cannes Lions


BETC, Paris / MCDONALD'S / 2009







We are shown a series of scenarios in the life of an everyday girl in quick succession. These snapshots depict all aspects of her daily life from going swimming to dressing up. The final shot shows her holding a sign telling people to “Come as they are” to McDonald’s.


The idea: Come as you areA positioning that restores the reality of the McDonald’s experience – a place open to all, where you don’t have to change your behaviour or adopt constraints, where it is easy to remain yourself; ultimately, where you simply “Come as you are”.The creative approach is radical. McDonald’s has effectively yielded the limelight to its customers. On TV just as in press and outdoor, viewers, readers and onlookers discovered several series of portraits of the same person, taken on the spur of the moment at different times over a day, a week or a year. Banners and viral films complete the campaign.


•Contributed to McDonald's high growth in its end of year: 7,9% growth in Europe, lead by France. (Financial Times, Dec 08)•3,500,000 pages on Google answer to the search for “Come as you are” (in french “venez comme vous êtes”)•High number of comments and articles on blogs, websites, parodies on YouTube (15 different parodies in one month)

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