Cannes Lions


OMD UK, London / CHANNEL 4 / 2013

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Case Film
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We seized the baton from the Olympics – targeting their closing ceremony with a bold, public statement –

‘Thanks For The Warm Up’

A cheeky message we made unmissable – on big outdoor sites across cities, on commuter journeys through time-targeted digital screens, on a giant banner near Heathrow targeting departing Olympians.

All creating massive PR, which we extended on Twitter and in the next morning’s newspapers.

Next we used high-impact outdoor to change the conversation about the Paralympians – from their disabilities to their elite athletic abilities.

Our epic outdoor campaign invited the public to ‘Meet The Superhumans’. Video trailers revealing the athletes’ personal stories, downloadable from our outdoor sites, gave extra depth to their remarkable talents.

August 29th – the Paralympics began.

With breakthrough use of digital outdoor, we broadcast real-time Paralympic news on rail and underground networks. Always driving evening viewing on Channel 4.

Making them part of the public’s daily conversations.


Channel 4’s biggest ratings success in 10 years. The Paralympic opening ceremony attracted 11.6 million UK viewers.

In total, 40 million Britons watched the Paralympics on Channel 4.

That’s two-thirds of the entire population. And a massive 80% of the total who viewed the Olympics.

Channel 4’s Paralympics changed public opinions about disability forever:

64% of viewers felt more positive towards disabled people as a result of watching Channel 4’s coverage.

85% of viewers thought disabled athletes as talented as able-bodied athletes.

The success of 2012 helped Channel 4 secure Paralympic broadcast rights for Sochi 2014 and Rio 2016.

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