Cannes Lions




1 Bronze Cannes Lions
1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
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Case Film
Case Film






The Reina Sofía Foundation needed resources to properly research Alzheimer’s. It was clear what was needed: money.

We had the opportunity to use the best known and respected celebrity in Spain, Queen Sofia, in order to solicit funds directly, but instead we made two decisions: firstly, we'll count on her Majesty for the important PR events and her media support to introduce the project to media and opinion leaders, and secondly we thought it would be wonderful if we could succeed in making Alzheimer’s research a part of the corporate social responsibility of many companies. And so we did. It took time and effort but with the power of a big idea we made it happened. And we did all this with such a tiny amount of money.

We created a seal “ Remember Edition” under which we invited companies to reissue their classic brands. Part of the profits from all of those sales go to Alzheimer’s research.

And most importly all the Media Groups act as the amplifier of our campaign. More than 20 TV’s, all national Newspapers and radio, magazines and, of course Google.

A small but important detail is that it was 100% PR. It cost the Foundation and Companies involved not a single Euro, just the valuable time and effort that all the participants put into this beautiful project.

More than 30 different companies have participated, from multinationals like Coca-Cola, Bayer, Unilever, Teléfonica, Universal Pictures, BBVA, Real Madrid… to smaller companies (movie theaters, publishing houses, etc.)


In order to raise funds, we designed a creative strategy through which companies could incorporate Alzheimer’s research into their respective social corporate responsibility missions. We created Edición Recuerda (Memory Edition), a seal under which we invited companies to reissue classic products. These products are sold through the online store created for the project as well as shops around the country, with part or all of the profits from the sales being earmarked for Alzheimer’s research. We pitched the idea to each company and created a personalized strategy for each, determining which product (or service) would be best suited to being “rescued from the past”.


We obtained the collaboration of:

· More than 30 different companies, from multinationals like Coca Cola, Bayer, Unilever, Teléfonica, Universal Pictures, Inditex, BBVA, etc

· Nearly every media outlet in the country (TVE: National Television, Telecinco, Antena 3, El País, El Mundo, Vocento, Mediaset España, Google...)

· Football clubs like Real Madrid

· Movie theaters, publishing houses, transportation consortium, etc

In less than one month live, we managed to sell out 70% of the products offered for sale at the online store we created.

It was a campaign that made an entire country remember, in order to help those who no longer can.

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