Cannes Lions


DAIMLER, Stuttgart / DAIMLER / 2012

Presentation Image






The International Auto Show (IAA) in Frankfurt is traditionally the most important event for the automobile industry. In 2011 (the 125th anniversary year of the automobile) this was particularly true for its inventor Mercedes-Benz. The premium car-manufacturer used its presentation not only to look back to the past, but to offer journalists and other guests a glimpse of the future of individual mobility. With impressive news, meaningful headlines and powerful images, the brand communicated the message that Mercedes-Benz is stringly committed to taking on an active role in shaping the future of the automobile.To effectively deliver this message, the PR Team developed an unusual two-part presentation for international journalists. In close collaboration, client, agency, PR-strategists, creatives and media-designers created a two-stage press conference that impressively supported the motto 'For the Next 125! Years'. At the core of this breathtaking performance was the interplay between speakers, cars, live stage-performers and powerful video-productions, blending the virtual with reality, generating a fascinating Gesamtkunstwerk (i.e. a total work of art) for the audience, and providing unusual imagery for TV-teams and photographers. The audience connected with the images. They got the message. The result: Mercedes-Benz received the most media coverage internationally.


At the core of the presentations was an extraordinary visual style that blended the virtual with reality. Large mobile video-screens on the stage created a three-dimensional performance space that allowed a dynamic and suspenseful interplay between speakers and cars, live acts and video installations.

The only presenter on the eve of the auto show was CEO Dieter Zetsche who spoke about the importance of fuel cell technology. The evening culminated in a 10-minute multi-media 'Symphony of Innovation' composed of video installations, live music, and dance performances. The entry of the hydrogen-powered concept car F125! in front of a gigantic virtual waterfall embodied the core message in a single picture.

For the first time, the press conference consisted of a continuous stream of images of modern mobility that integrated speakers, live acts, media, and models. The result was a powerful blend that fascinated the audience and provided unusual imagery.


The dual approach proved successful. News about the Mercedes-Benz B-Class as well as the F125! concept-car clearly positioned the company as an industry innovator. The F125! came in second on the top ten list of 'attention-getters', the B-Class 4th in Germany and 6th internationally. (Source: PRIME Research.) During the week of the IAA, Mercedes-Benz was the most frequently mentioned automotive brand in the media and Dr. Dieter Zetsche by far the most quoted CEO, claiming complete ownership of the topic of emission-free mobility through fuel-cell technology for Mercedes-Benz. In the electronic media, memorable messages and strong visuals also reaped measurable results: Mercedes-Benz took 3rd place on global online charts; smart came in 6th in global television rankings, an impressive result given its small size and modest market-share (Mercedes placed 3rd).

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