Cannes Lions



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Every day, 190,000 people in the UK suffer a migraine attack, of which half will miss work. Within a highly competitive and cost sensitive space, Imigran® Subject™ (IS) faced a number of challenges since patent expiry (2006), including generic competition, no sales force or promotion and high acquisition costs. Research highlighted GPs had low awareness of this injectable, relying on cheaper tablets. Our objective was to ensure IS is seen as the best second-line option for 'difficult to treat' migraines, getting patients back to normal quicker when oral triptans fail.

Strategy: Target GPs with a cost-effective, impactful campaign which highlights appropriate IS patient types.

Execution: We created a differentiating brand personality by determining a ‘hero’ brand using a 'warrior princess' visual, who would demonstrate the attributes of ‘empowerment’. The resulting 'Migraine Attack' retro comic-style advertising targeted GPs with messaging around effectiveness, control, and demonstrated IS suitability for specific patient groups. This was followed by a series of six emails, distributed one-per-month, to engage Healthcare Professionals in an on-going story.

Result: Clearly raising awareness amongst GPs, the campaign has enabled GSK to stem the decline in sales in 2012. A total of 12,306 emails were opened with 223 recipients visiting the health.gsk website for further information.


Inherent to the concept was a unique brand experience and bold visual amplifying the benefits of rapid migraine relief. 'Migraine Attack' features an empowered 'heroine' surrounded by protective force, who overcomes sudden attack. Being an established brand allowed us to choose a retro horror genre of illustration. Teamed with comic strip style for the emails, the beautifully crafted creative ensured standout and differentiation. The brave visual style at the centre of the campaign scored extremely well in testing.

Leading up to Migraine Awareness Week (05–08 Sept 2012), print advertising appeared in GP publications, alongside web banners and series of six emails. The emails, distributed one-per-month, engaged GPs in an on-going story. Each focused on a single key patient group – painting a clear plot – enabling busy GPs to easily and clearly identify appropriate patients for IS. The subject headings were intriguing to engage recipients and demonstrated how IS is used, as instructed by the ‘doctor’.


GSK have managed to limit the impact of the generic launch, losing only 10% volume sales where they were expecting nearer to 25%. Initial figures demonstrate effectiveness, tracking at 16% additional volume over base.

Email outputs:

• 12,306 emails were opened with 223 recipients visiting the health.gsk website for further information. Interest remained consistently high throughout.

• The accepted industry average email display rate is 6.5%. The campaign achieved an average rate of 12.07%, peaking at 12.94% with a total of 12,306 emails opened.

• The accepted industry average click-through rate is 0.04–0.08%. The campaign achieved a 0.22% average, peaking at 0.36%.

Client Verdict: Stephen Craggs, Head of Retail Trading Strategy, GSK

"The lead measures were excellent with the unique visuals certainly having an impact. The stories enabled us to position Imigran Subject for a targeted patient group suffering from migraine and the campaign has enabled us to stem the decline in sales in 2012."

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