Spikes Asia

Milk Bottle Washing Machine


Case Film
Demo Film
Presentation Image






Korean consumers, after having experienced a severe garbage problem in 2018, became more aware of recycling and reducing their disposable plastic usage.

Banana-Flavored Milk, as the most popular dairy brand in Korea, decided to execute unique campaign to address this issue. We set out to explore different issues, and came upon one that was directly in tie with the brand itself as well.

The issue was that whilst Korea was rated second in the world for their diligence in recycling, 79% of the recyclables collected were in fact not recyclable. The primary reason being the food residue left on the containers, unwashed.

We set out to resolve this simple, yet important issue of washing recyclables by increasing awareness and involvement on the matter. If the customers feel for themselves to make a change with this brand, the engagement would be enforced.


In order to spread awareness on the issue of washing before recycling, we designed a brand item. It was the "Milk Bottle Washing Machine", designed to wash the empty bottles of Banana-Flavored Milk.

After having created the Washing Machine, we then focused on creating a multi-faceted campaign that revolves around our creation.

The “Coin Laundry” pop-up store, for one, was a space that allowed consumers to experience using the machine and enjoy the laundromat-like experience. “Hand Wash Challenge” was another that encouraged participation at home, with a social network twist.

Our campaigns were bound together by the theme of “laundry”, which we believed conveyed a fun overtone on an otherwise serious matter.


The target audience of the campaign was the MZ generation. The reasoning was that the target audience would be the one that would most actively propagate the campaign, while meeting the budget. However, MZ generation has shown aversion to PSA and other educational messages. Most environmentally-friendly campaigns were serious in nature and boring. Our primary objective was to incorporate the idea of “fun” into otherwise dull, educational environmental campaign, as to deliver the core brand value and to entice the MZ generation.

The answer to this was a washing machine that cleaned empty milk containers. The fact that a dairy company built a washing machine caused a ripple, fueling an active PR. The 991 sq. m. space used for a “Coin Laundry” pop-up store and various social media accounts were also crucial in achieving PR.


The campaign period : one month (July 18. 2020 - Aug 16 2020)

- Mass media and youtube AD campaign executed to draw attention to the issue of “washing & recycling.”

- The installation was started on July 24. The placement of the main installation was a 991 sq. m. space in Sungsoo, a popular destination for the MZ generation. Serving as an experience space for consumers to learn more about “washing & recycling”, people could wash containers here, and receive materials to help them achieve proper recycling habits. This ensured that the campaign did not end as a fun gimmick.

- For the non-visitors, a “Hand Wash Challenge” was initiated on Instagram and YouTube channels, with a total of 50,000 followers. A challenge to get people to prove their recycling habits with cleaned Banana-flavored Milk, this allowed the brand to communicate with its fans first-hand as well.


After two months of the campaign, a survey showed that 71% of age 10-20 group responded that plastic must be washed before recycling, as opposed to 61% pre-campaign. 51% responded that they engage in the practice, up from previous 44%. Banana-flavored Milk’s reputation as a company that exercises corporate social responsibility was fortified, and this campaign was overall perceived as an exemplary case for environmentally-conscious brand activism.

Total view count of campaign film - 28,611,232

Total visits to campaign website - 274,507

Hashtag usage count - 3,326

Pop-up location visitor count - 11,548

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