Cannes Lions


SS+K, New York / KRAFT / 2012

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MiO, Kraft’s first new brand in decades, was out to redefine the beverage category. The liquid water enhancer gives you the control to add a little or a lot, creating a drink that’s all your own. MiO charged its Millennial target to 'Make it Yours', hoping to become part of their arsenal of personalised products and experiences. MiO was expanding into Barnes & Noble College bookstores to reach the Millennial target on their own turf. The client tasked us with developing a promotion to increase awareness of the MiO brand on campus as well as drive sales to support aggressive revenue goals in year one.


Instead of canvassing the entire campus we wanted to hit students at point of sale and give them a canvas for self-expression that would bring MiO back into campus life. To bring this to life we created lightly branded paper speakers that students could customise in exchange for MiO, and a bottle of water that they could also make to their liking. The portable and customisable nature of the speakers was meant to mirror MiO’s form factor and core product benefit.


The MiO speakers reinforced awareness of the product in bookstores, helping to drive sales and contribute to surpassing year 1 sales goals of $85m within 6 months and reaching $135m by year end. The speakers also helped drive engagement with consumers, directing them back to the MiO Facebook page resulting in a 72% increase in ‘likes’ following the promotion.

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