Cannes Lions


BBDO NEW YORK, New York / MARS / 2014

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Although M&M’S are almost always available in theaters, they are not top of mind when it comes to choosing a movie-watching snack. We found that 30% of all young adults in the U.S. decide what to purchase once they arrive at the theater, so we knew the creative idea had to work especially hard to trigger the association during this critical moment.


Creating vintage horror-movie posters based on our M&M’S characters allowed us to communicate the irresistibility of our product while staying true to the humor and levity of our brand. But we knew we had to make them feel as authentic as possible if we wanted to effectively reach our target.

We worked with three artists who are well known and respected within the genre so each poster would look unique –– as if they were really three separate films. The individual craft of each artist allowed our posters to become not just M&M’S ads, but collectible pieces of art.


Because the work is still new to the market, we do not have tangible results at this time.

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