Cannes Lions


MEDIAX , Vienna / ONE / 2006

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Online clutter limits the possibilities for heavy-branded campaigns. An efficient online format was required to promote ONE’s new tariff, 'SMS for free'.The campaign’s art, placed as Sitebar on Austria’s most frequented site, allowed constant presence, like a print insertion or billboard. Size, appearance, and the campaign's colorful visuals gave it higher exposure, leading to faster and better reach than other online formats. The ONE-Sitebar guaranteed visual impact, not changing, like common online banners do. Reaching more than 60% of online users in one single day, the Sitebar provided outstanding performance.


TV spots, print insertions and billboards, always featuring the campaign's characters, raised the awareness.The media-mix, tailored for the target audience, as well as the creative use of billboards enhanced the impact.Giving the campaign a personal touch, the communication effort was not only left to mass-media channels. Also providing real services enabled the desired positive image transfer. The environments chosen for the service actions, related to the copies, like supermarkets, restaurants and transport.


All these services, directly linked to ONE, raised the awareness of the campaign to a high level and made the general public relate the brand to concepts like flexibility, practicality, comfort and most important: Service.

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