Cannes Lions


R/GA , Buenos Aires / NIKE / 2021

Presentation Image
Case Film






Nike needed to launch the new Chilean national football jersey in a unique way. Due to the pandemic, there were no pro football events and people were not allowed to get together. So Nike needed to find a way to connect with football fans stuck at home, and get them excited about the new Chilean jersey.


We took advantage of people spending time in front of their screens and created a subtle leak that major fans would notice. To do so, we chose “Monito” Vidal, influencer and son of Arturo Vidal, Chilean national team player. In one of his posts on social media, he “unintentionally” reveals his father wearing the new jersey in the background, creating buzz amongst fans and media.


We started trying to understand what made our influencer unique. A couple of years ago, “Monito” Vidal became popular for unintentionally revealing that his father was going to play for a new team. He is also famous for his down to earth portrayal of the life of a 10 years old son of a football star. So we created a content piece that would look just like his other content pieces but had an easter egg in the background. His father appears doing a video call apparently wearing the new Chile Jersey. The fact that this happens on Monito Vidal Channel helped us gain credibility, so fans wouldn’t think this was just another Nike campaign.


We design the action and share it with the influencer so he would make the video with the leak in the background acting as if there was nothing special going on. In the video “Monito” appear to be training, but at the end we would see Arturo Vidal at the back wearing the new Jersey. The next day Arturo Vidal published the other point of view of the same scene, wearing the Chilean jersey and showing it to his fans as a reveal video.


We were able to generate 145MM of Reach Social media and 475MM of total reach, including traditional and digital press and TV.

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