Cannes Lions

More Than Nice by Emmanuel Lubetzki

Y&R NEW YORK, New York / KIND SNACKS / 2018

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We rebranded KINDNESS.

Kind does what’s right, even if it means not being nice about it.

Kind gets arrested standing up for others.

Kind takes action.

Kind leaves water in the desert for people crossing the border illegally, because they are people.

Nice doesn’t rock the boat. Kind rattles the status quo.

We don’t make NICE. They make KIND. And NICE has never changed the world.


A year into the US administrations crack down on illegal immigration, we spent two days following No More Deaths/No Mas Muertes volunteers as they leave water in the desert to curb the number of deaths.

We partnered with three-time Academy Award winning cinematographer, Emmanuel Lubezki, of Birdman, Gravity and The Revenant to help capture the controversial aid work around migrants along the US/Mexico border--an issue that hits home for not only Emmanuel, but also for KIND CEO Daniel Lubetzky who are both are Jewish-Mexican immigrants.

We asked the aid workers to reflect on the difference between “nice” and “kind” and how they define their work in this new brand of kindness.

We then posted this film, full of nuance around the usually hot button politics of fear, on social media and braced for the hate-filled comments.


At over 1 million views and counting, it is the most viewed video ever made by the brand by 300%. The best outcome, No More Deaths/No Mas Muertes went from a locally known organization to receiving donations, support, and volunteer inquiries from around the world.

Which is needed more than ever, as the border patrol continues to arrest and detain the volunteers.

In conjunction with the film’s release, KIND Snacks created a contest inviting people to share their own take on the difference between nice and kind. A panel of judges led by HuffPost Founder Arianna Huffington and comprised of entrepreneurs, creatives and activists will select three winners who will receive $25,000 to donate to the charity of their choice.

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