Cannes Lions



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Case Film






For World Refugee Day 2017, seven popular YouTube creators flew around the globe to meet a refugee with whom they shared something in common. Supported by the International Rescue Committee, they travelled not as celebrity talent but as makers; to spend meaningful time together, create and collaborate on a video, and share their platform.

From the family vlogger who connected with a Syrian mother and her family, to the LGBT influencer meeting a man forced to leave his country because he was gay, by focusing on themes and values their fans cared about, each influencer crafted a video that spoke to their own distinct audience.

In turn, the refugee participants were positioned not as people to fear or pity, but as relatable equals, and were empowered to share their story to an audience of millions.


On World Refugee Day, eight influencers launched videos to a combined 19m subscribers. These included:

-Tyler Oakley, an LGBT activist, met Shadi, a man forced to leave his country because of his sexuality

-Soccer pundit Francis Maxwell learnt about the true power of sport from Catherine, a young Sudanese soccer player

-Education channel ASAPScience visited Kara Tepe camp and discovered "How to Build A Refugee Camp" from residents and staff

-Travel vlogger FlyWithHaifa met Maryam, a teenager who had walked from Iraq to Serbia, and taught her how to vlog

-Family vlogger Rossana Eh Bee met Syrian mother Amira and her children living in Jordan, and connected to each other as two mothers

These stories were combined in an anthem film, released by YouTube itself. Reaching a wider, unfiltered audience, it sent an important message about the importance of amplifying marginalised voices, and YouTube's commitment to making this happen.


With a goal of amplifying refugee voices to as many people as possible, the campaign delivered extraordinary results:

-19m+ views across 195 countries.

-980m+ social impressions, with posts from celebrities like Kristen Bell, David Miliband and John Legend

Viewers responded to influencers with support and thanks. But we also anticipated another reaction: trolls waiting to respond with negativity and hate. To this vocal minority, the campaign hit a nerve, provoking antagonistic comments and dislikes.

It was here that the power of the creators' unique connection with fans truly came to the fore, as they pushed through this noise, and spoke directly to their audience with authenticity and passion.

And to those who spoke against refugees, YouTube and the influencers made their position clear: that even if it provokes a coordinated negative response, we stand by refugees, and believe marginalised voices must be heard, wherever they may be in the world.

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