Cannes Lions



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- Communicate sales-driving symptom message for high-awareness brand.- Cost-effectively cut through 10-12 minute ad breaks common in China.- Create increased receptivity for regular ads and enhance message recall rate. - 10 seconds ad at the bottom of the TV screen while the selected program is on- 3D frog jumping from left hand side to squash 4 symptoms balls (Bloating, heavy stomach, associated stomach, nausea) and then jump away across the screen.- To place creative ad within a drama or programme rather than normal ad breaks- Strategically mixed different copy versions to achieve best effect with lowest cost – 30sec/15sec ad in normal ad break followed by 10sec creative buy within the programme to reinforce the effect- Selected programme type (high rating drama, etc.) at prime time- Begin with 7 channels in 6 markets- Reach more markets through programme syndication. Achieve the pioneering concept through efficient liaison with creative agency & client by crushing down several key obstacles in pharmaceutical product communication- Worked with client to initiate a “media first” that takes into account China’s increasingly cluttered ad-breaks and pharmaceutical category regulations to create a new in-programme ad format the emphasizes the product’s “symptom” message- Assisted creative agency to develop new format, both technical and regulatory- Negotiated with advertising, broadcast production and programming departments of TV stations to approve new format. (Note: TV stations in China are government bodies).- Conducted focus groups to test target audience for acceptance of new format so as to avoid potential negative backlash- Selected appropriately targeted programmes for new format and paired with regular advertising.- Strategically placed this “In-program buy” in-cooperate with normal 30sec regular buy in ad break. a. What makes this submission special?- Created new in-programme format as ad-breaks in China are usually between 10-12 minutes. Curiosity factor makes people pay attention.- Clearly communicates “symptoms” message of brand and relief without running afoul of category regulations.- Due to regulations and nature of the category, it is difficult to do anything new and exciting such as this execution.b. Why is it a great idea in its context?- As Motilium already achieved ‘close-to-ceiling’ brand awareness, the brand challenge was to more create greater knowledge of symptoms in order to raise sales.- Motilium successfully launched its normal 30sec TVC in September 2002, the jumping frog in this commercial gave strong impression to the consumers. The 10sec creative buy contains strong symbolic messages building up strong linkage with the normal 30sec commercial.- This short execution is highly cost-effective because we were able to show the TV stations incremental revenue. It creates better target receptiveness for our regular ad buys by drawing their attention to the brand and enhance the message recall.c. Why should it be a winner?- Cost-efficient, breakthrough execution that clearly communicates a sales-driving message in an unexpected way and in an unexpected location for a heavily regulated category.- Works to build more interest and receptiveness for regular ad campaign.- Media initiative that involved regulatory bodies as well as TV station advertising, broadcast production and programming departments.


Achieve the pioneering concept through efficient liaison with creative agency & client by crushing down several key obstacles in pharmaceutical product communication- Worked with client to initiate a “media first” that takes into account China’s increasingly cluttered ad-breaks and pharmaceutical category regulations to create a new in-programme ad format the emphasizes the product’s “symptom” message- Assisted creative agency to develop new format, both technical and regulatory- Negotiated with advertising, broadcast production and programming departments of TV stations to approve new format. (Note: TV stations in China are government bodies).- Conducted focus groups to test target audience for acceptance of new format so as to avoid potential negative backlash- Selected appropriately targeted programmes for new format and paired with regular advertising.- Strategically placed this “In-program buy” in-cooperate with normal 30sec regular buy in ad break.

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