Cannes Lions


DRAFTFCB, Chicago / MOTOROLA / 2012

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The objective was to raise awareness of Motoactv, Motorola's first foray into the competitive fitness device category. Our target was the casual fitness enthusiast. To boldly separate ourselves, and stand out from the competition, we decided to lead with our music capabilities in a way that our competition can't; creating an exciting collision of 2 worlds: smart music and smart fitness.


The Motorola Fitness Tracker uses music to intuitively push the athlete - as human pace slows, songs shuffle to one with a faster tempo. We wanted the design of these posters to be as active as the situations we feature. The poster's split image design creates a single moment where physical and musical performance collide - both sides sharing common energy and intensity within one body. The placement of the logo, along with the diagonal alignment of copy informed by the athlete's leg and arm, helps create a fluidity between all the elements.


Since the campaign broke, Motorola has been selling thousands of MotoACTV fitness devices weekly.

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