Cannes Lions



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Consumers have become anaesthetized to old-fashioned communication. And the competition on TV has become harder everyday. From today's multimedia, multi channel, video on demand reality, not to mention the millions of alternatives on the web. MTV Batteries became a medium in itself to set MTV Portugal apart from this clutter. But more importantly, it did so, in a way that catered to its core audience with the right dose of humour yet with the precise message that MTV indeed has the shows and music that one needs to be entertained through the day and night. The idea of having batteries with no actual charge turned out to be an easy way to reproduce medium for the message. At a very low cost, with products that otherwise would be in the trash. All of that wrapped in a clean and modern package to make it as desired as the channel itself.


Batteries are probably one of the most traditional and bland designed products. Besides the variation in colour, it is hard for a battery to distinguish itself from most of the others. It relies on brand name and the exterior packaging to do so. We looked through all of the products that have successfully conquered the target's attention and have become a success. Mostly gadgets that are desired for their simplicity and functionality. We added a sense of humour and played with the fact that nowadays the products that stand out are specifically those that follow one and clear function. Products that use their design to set themselves apart form the competition. With modern and very straightforward information.


This was a great solution for the client. Since it stands out and because it was done in a format that caters specifically to the channel's audience.

One that is enamoured with gadgets and is always after the latest technology available. In other words, for the client, it was a relevant and fresh way of stating the quality of its programming.

For the consumer, it has definitely become a fun and very desirable format to consider MTV Portugal as his or her favourite channel. Not only are the batteries desired, but are certainly on their path to becoming one of the most sought after gadgets of the year. After all, they do promise and deliver the power to watch MTV Portugal over and over and over.

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