Cannes Lions


VCCP, Madrid / DES S / 2013

Case Film






DESS is an expert in rest, his mission is to help people to sleep well everyday.

Due to the banks collapsing the Spanish people fear for their money and they no longer sleep well everyday.

This is why DES'S had to do something different to solve two problems for the people:

1.- Keeping your money close to you and away from banks.

2.- Sleeping well again!

DES'S have received offers to distribute this new product in countries such us Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Cyprus, Greece, Russia and UK.

They are negotiating with two international safe companies that want to start doing the opposite: to sell the safe with a mattress.

The fact that the product was launched during the collapse of the Cyprus banks helped us to be in the news across the world (e.g. Time, The Guardian, NPR, Al Jazeera, WSJ, Yahoo News, El Mundo, La Reppublica, etc.).

There is something relevant to the case and it is the story behind Paco Santos, the owner of DESS (who in our campaign is the president of My Mattress Savings Bank). He was fired some years ago from the leading mattress company in Spain, so he was forced to become entrepreneur.

Today, due to the crisis in Spain, his company is about to disappear and he was desperate, without hesitating he accepted the offer to launch a quirky, new product that could be seen as a crazy invention!

Paco Santos is now a famous person in Spain. He has been interviewed by the best journalists in the country.


- Press and TV coverage in 74 countries

- Over 8 million euros in earned media

- DeS'S orders increased by 836%

- 100% of our clients now sleep like a baby

And more importantly: we demonstrated that with lateral and innovative thinking the world is full of new possibilities. We just have to look at it through different eyes!

What will be the next mattress launched by DES'S? Discover it next year in Cannes 2014!

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