Cannes Lions



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Case Film






Astellas Pharma US, Inc. rebuilt its website to provide an increasing number of individuals experiencing overactive bladder (OAB) symptoms with a greater understanding of OAB and MYRBETRIQ®, including why and how MYRBETRIQ® works, and to encourage individuals to talk with their healthcare providers (HCPs) about their symptoms.

Three dynamic customized homepages were developed to help make the user experience more relevant, with content based on the user’s referral source. This framework was built in such a way to enable further customization based on different sources that may be employed in the future. New videos were developed for the rebuild.

Supplementing the site’s existing Doctor Discussion Guide with an OAB Quiz, providing visitors a quick and easy way to assess whether they may be experiencing OAB symptoms.

Early feedback on the MYRBETRIQ® site rebuild has been extremely encouraging, in particular with high user engagement with the new video content.


The custom unit was developed by our team on a DoubleClick platform in consultation with DoubleClick and media vendor partners.

The ad launched in November 2014 and is now live in the United States’ market on Lifescript and Women's Health. In addition, we are looking to further use this material in additional publisher environments, including an ad network placement.


Early feedback on the MYRBETRIQ® site rebuild has been extremely encouraging, in particular with high user engagement with the new video content. Positive response for the updated design and layout has been received from client representatives and website users who praise the site’s straightforward navigation, ease of accessibility, and compelling content.

Furthermore, the streamlined code has established with a solid foundation on which to support future development and growth.

“Our team is really happy with how the website has evolved since we began working with Klick. Our current site not only looks great, but is well architected and easy-to-use. We’re excited to see the integration of the new rich media content and tools, which should resonate really well with our audience.”

- John Colucci, Asst. Director (Consumer), Urology Brand Team

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