Cannes Lions

National Diaper Bank Network: This Is Not A Diaper


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Case Film
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The National Diaper Bank Network (NDBN) is an American non-profit organization that helps provide clean diapers to babies in distress. After learning that one in three U.S. families suffers from diaper need, we reached out to NDBN to offer pro bono branding and design support

Our goal was to spread awareness with activations that reveal the uncomfortable truth behind the problem. By starting a national conversation, we could increase diaper donations, inspire volunteers to take action and influence public policy.


Diaper need impacts millions of U.S. babies. But excrement can be a difficult and embarrassing topic to discuss. So nobody talks about it. And the problem keeps getting worse. We decided it was time to start speaking loudly and clearly about the problem. So we created the Real Talk idea and activated it with a series of posters hung in high-traffic areas—everyday places where the truth is often hiding in plain sight.


In the spirit of REAL TALK, we chose to show actual scenarios faced by parents as they struggle to afford diapers. Everyday materials become emergency diapers, printed with dielines and instructions that position the viewer as a parent trying to keep their child clean. The mantra “This is not a diaper” is a clear reminder that the situation is unacceptably shitty. We unapologetically chose to show feces—because people won’t take diaper need seriously until we get real and address the visceral, uncomfortable truth.

This poster series also showcases the new brand identity we created for NDBN—built on an asterisk that suggests taking a closer look at the “footnote” of diaper need. Viewers follow the symbol throughout activations to discover information hiding in plain view.


We told the story of diaper need in a strong, dynamic way that could resonate across audiences, from donors to the general population to policymakers on Capitol Hill. With a powerful poster series that could force people to confront diaper need for the first time, we expanded NDBN brand relevance on the national level. The launch of our work was followed by the announcement of the End Diaper Need Act of 2019 by US Congresswomen Lee and DeLauro, raising the profile of the little-noticed issue. We compelled people who had never before considered diaper need to take a closer look.

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