Cannes Lions


FARFAR, Stockholm / NOKIA / 2010


1 Gold Cannes Lions
5 Silver Cannes Lions
2 Bronze Cannes Lions
4 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
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BACKGROUND: Nokia offers a range of navigation services both online and on their mobile devices. But awareness about these services is low. Many of those who own a Nokia with a fully enabled GPS might not even be aware of the functionality inside their phones. And ratings show that Nokia isn't considered a likely provider of mobile navigation.

CHALLENGE: Raise awareness, and increase use of Nokia's navigation service. Both on handsets and online.INSIGHT: Most people see navigation as something that gets you from A to B. It's not very social and not very fun. To actually get people to start thinking about navigation, and especially navigation on their phones. We had to create something fun, something that made navigation relevant even when you're in your own neighborhood.

We decided to ask people for their favorite places, and let them share them in an unprecedented way.


EXECUTION: We took the simplest navigation tool around (the signpost) and resized it into one of the world’s largest interactive installations: a 50 metre tall, SMS and web-controlled signpost. People could text a location or drop a pin on the online map, and within moments the giant signpost turned to display the direction and distance to that location. INTEGRATION: By integrating the signpost with Nokia's navigation service, everyone who interacted with the installation also interacted with the product, driving the main objectives: trial and increased use.

Thanks to the installation's deep infrastructure it could be integrated into many different platforms;, Facebook, Twitter and mobile applications. From all these channels people were taken into the service where they could explore all the great locations and get directions using the service.

A seamless experience between the product, owned media, earned media and the physical world.


A third of those who participated continued using Nokia's navigation services, and the number of users on the Nokia's navigation service increased by 129%.

Every slot during the two week period was filled with SMS entries and entries from the online map.

In some markets, visits to the campaign website exceeded targets by 1500% and visits to product pages (point of sale) soared 270% over targets in select major markets.

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