Cannes Lions

Nestlé 60+


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Nestlé has been present in 99% of Brazilian homes for 100 years, a world leader in food and beverages and operates in 190 countries with the aim of revealing the power of food to improve the quality of life for everyone, today and for generations to come. Nestlé's policies have always been committed to well-being and the time has come to embrace inclusion, diversity and social equity into practice. This happened after the activation of the "I won a year of Nestlé" campaign at points of sale in Brazil, whose casting team considered the hiring, training and management of promoters aged 60 and over, that is, in a way to break patterns and stereotypes.


To boost sales, Nestlé chose to develop a “buy and win” promotion with gift exchange to be carried out by promoters in the main supermarkets all over Brazil, covering 93% of Brazilian states. Regarding our country scenario on the job market for people in higher age groups, and to reaffirm the company's policies and its constant commitment to create equal opportunities for all, Nestlé decided that all the promoters employed in this campaign would be people exclusively at 60 years old or over.


Nestlé started a promotional action across the country with 600 job openings for promoters aged 60 or over exclusively to work in this campaign. A wide publicity of the hiring of 60+ promoters was carried out through spontaneous media in the main national media and other 39 regional media. A link was created to facilitate the registration of the interested parties. This link was released on several platforms, such as social media, websites and even on TV news. The results were thousands of people signing up and later being interviewed, with the aim of selecting the promoters for each point of sale throughout most Brazilian states.


Over the course of a month, a comprehensive action was executed across Brazil, spanning 885 stores in more than 200 cities in 22 states (it means 93% of Brazilian states). The operation was carried out diligently from August 1st to August 31st, 2022, and involved the dedicated efforts of 600 skilled promoters, all aged 60 years or over. More than one thousand people were involved in the process of the campaign, including promoters, supervisors, and production to make the point of sales action happen throughout Brazil. Over 17,000 people applied to participate in the promotion and thousands of interviews were done in the search for the promoters.


We received around 17,700 online applications and conducted 2,500 interviews for hiring a team of 600 promoters aged 60 and over, all over the country. The promoters received training to operate the device in which they collected information about sales in real time and the right approach towards consumers. In this way they were able to help Nestlé hit their sales target: excellent numbers were achieved during the campaign with a total of 1.1 million approaches by the promoters, which resulted in 2.7 million products sold and 1.5 million gift exchanges! People were impacted, and the promoters reported great satisfaction at being able to work again and feeling useful and valued by the company. The hiring of promoters aged 60 and over demonstrated Nestlé's socially responsible attitude, which values the experience and wisdom acquired over the years and recognizes the importance of promoting inclusion in Brazil.

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