Cannes Lions

Netflix & Chill

ISLA REPUBLICA, Buenos Aires / NETFLIX / 2024


2 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Presentation Image
Case Film






Netflix is constantly premiering new original contents which are only found on its platform and seeks for creative ways to communicate them to its audience, to generate impact. In February 2024, there were many new titles premiering in Argentina, so we decided to base the creative idea on a romantic/polemic angle given by St. Valentine’s and a worldwide known insight: the two-sided interpretation of a “Netflix & Chill” invitation. The objective was not only to build awareness of the platform’s new titles, but to generate buzz and controversy among audiences, Netflix style: who’s main purpose is to entertain. The non-official brief was: “it has to be so borderline that the legal team will have to raise some protests”.


The “Netflix & Chill” trend was something Netflix knew about, obviously, but had never acted on for local communications. So, to announce the new titles premiering in February 2024, we combined this well-known insight with “The month of Love”, for St.Valentine’s on the 14th. Under the premise: Is my crush inviting me to “watch Netflix” or just to watch Netflix? We created a campaign that not only raised awareness on the upcoming titles, but most importantly, entertained people and generated impact, something Netflix seeks in every action. We had a strong insight and relevant context. The last key ingredient was the tone, and use of double meaning humor was key to hit the right spot.


Have you ever been invited by your crush on a “Netflix & Chill” plan, and felt nervous about it? Probably, yes. You and most people. This two-faced proposal has been so confusing for so many people that it has been a meme trend for years now. Are they inviting us just to watch Netflix? Or is there a sexy proposition behind? How can one truly know (without the uncomfortable obvious question) what they should prepare themselves for? Though this trend was no news, it was still current and hadn’t been exploded creatively in Argentina. So we decided to, finally, own it and invite people to interact with Netflix around this issue: with entertaining content (as always) but with a fun interview that could help them clear the uncomfortable doubt.


We developed three short films, each of them portraying different protagonists facing the unavoidable doubt of what to expect when their crushes invited them over to watch Netflix. These were explicit, funny contents to present the big idea in an impactful way. The creative idea was also taken to direct, bold headlines in OOH and social media. Every asset also served as a call to action to visit and complete a survey which helped people decide whether they were being invited to “watch Netflix” or just watch Netflix. All contents were placed on TV, cinema, OOH and social media platforms and aired in February on Chile, Argentina and Uruguay.


Being a bold campaign which addressed sex in a very explicit and humorous way, repercussions where polarized, with sentiment variations in the three countries it aired (Argentina, Uruguay and Chile). This means that a lot of conversation was generated, and this was the whole point of the campaign. In terms of reach, it achieved 538M impressions in whole. As for engagement, there were 60.3M interactions and 1.3M clicks to visit the website and interact with the brand. During the month the campaign aired, there were +238% more mentions around “watch Netflix”, which confirms the success of the campaign.

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