Cannes Lions

Never Have I Ever


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Case Film
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Peru is one of the countries with the highest sexism in the region, and friendship is not free from it; because within each group of friends, there are sexist behaviors so normalized, no one identifies them, questions them or even tries to change them.

From a friend who always offers himself to pay the bill just for being a guy, or the diffusion of private photos of girls on social media, to sexual harassment.

Pilsen, the beer of friendship in Peru, wanted to expose these behaviors to discuss them and modify them, seeking to generate a change that promotes an equal friendship and society.


How can a beer make friends acknowledge their sexist behaviors? Playing a drinking game: Never Have I Ever. We used the popular game where one must take a swig to admit something true regarding a mentioned subject, in order to make friends come clean and recognize their own sexist faults. Doing this, we managed to turn our beer into a catalyst for confessions, contributing to a more equal friendship and society.


By using a popular drinking game like Never Have I Ever as a creative device, we ensure two things: people confessing their own sexist faults organically due to the game’s nature, and for the “next turn” to aim directly at our target creating an extensive social media chain where participants tag more friends to continue the round, confessing their own faults.

Starting with an ad, with the support of key opinion leaders and complementing the campaign with essential elements of communication, we were able to make thousands of young Peruvians confess their sexism. And got thousands more to have an open conversation about normalized sexism in our society, so they can question it as a starting point of a real transformation.


The campaign began with a commercial where all kinds of people play a round of Never Have I Ever, but instead of the usual rules, they confess to having being part of common examples of sexism within friendships in Peru. We even joined the game by acknowledging the fact that we’ve created sexist advertisement in the past.

Then, we invited people to join and incorporated the presence of key opinion leaders to increase the popularity of the game, to the point it became a massive organic chain that reached everybody, making thousands of youngsters confess and reflect on sexism and gender inequality.


126,032 confessions

1 week trending topic

87% of our social media mentions became confessions

96% sentiment

$ 2'420,300 free press

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