Cannes Lions

NFL Super Bowl LVI Commercial | Bring Down The House

NFL, New York / NFL / 2022

Presentation Image
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We looked to maximize the opportunity afforded by the inventory we have in the Super Bowl with an impactful film piece that elevates the NFL brand and drives other key objectives such as positioning the NFL brand as culturally relevant and innovative, in order to strengthen our fans connection to the games, players and legends.

Ultimately, we wanted to celebrate the end of the NFL's biggest season with an epic end-of-season campaign, reminding fans all about the game and joy of football. We utilized a mixture of traditional and new outlets - including social, digital (Roblox), innovative OOH (SoFi rooftop) and more - to extend the life of our TV brand spot 'Bring down the House' through innovative extensions and story telling before, during and after the commercial aired at Half Time of Super Bowl LVI on NBC.


Though this year's creative, we looked to continue the tradition of both the ‘100-year Game’ and the ‘Next 100’ by bringing together current players and Legends in one (1) epic spot.

The spot, which meant to inspire and excite fans across the globe, taps into the ways football brings enjoyment to the entire family.

In addition to the 1 epic spot, we planned immersive, innovative and engaging story extensions across a variety of mediums: broadcast, social/digital, physical, experimental. The goal was to promote and get fans excited for the spot, and ultimately extend the lifeline of the characters within the commercial.


We broke the campaign into 3 phases with distinct strategies for each:

**Phase I The Lead In to Super Bowl LVI**

Created awareness, hype and intrigue around the full spot, building anticipation for tune-in. We achieved this through the roll out of 5 teaser spots, 6 original social teasers, gaming integration and earned media.

**Phase II During Super Bowl LVI Halftime**

Broke through the clutter of the game, halftime show, and other ads to drive real-time conversation and engagement with the spot. We did this through in-game arena integration, as well as a national AR lens on Snapchat.

**Phase III Post Super Bowl LVI**

Extended the life of the spot by leveraging additional material and strategically drove 1on1 engagement with our fans. We did this with custom packaged social content optimized for emerging platforms, and via real life physical experiences.


The pre-promotion of the spot started 1/30/22, driving awareness and excitement for the Super Bowl commercial debut. We strategically placed our top stars from the commercial in a variety of highly-engaging broadcast and social-first spots, alluding to what was to come on Feb 13.

Over 5 broadcast teasers ran 150+ times across ESPN, NFL Network, CBS, FOX and NBC, as well as NFL social and digital platforms. 7 social-first spots also ran across NFL, club and player social accounts. Additionally, the Roblox integration debuted on Feb 9th.

On Super Bowl Sunday, just before halftime, the brand spot aired on NBC and in stadium. Snapchat AR Lens went live following the airing, allowing fans to immerse themselves within the spot.

A series of post-promotion BTS spots ran the following week, and an installation at the Pro Football Hall of Fame allowed fans to see the puppets in real life.



Total Views of 2:00 spot +200% YoY


Total PR Hits

Including USA Today, AdAge & SBJ


Total Organic Social Impressions*

+182% YoY


Total Media Impressions

Across social, digital, NFLN, institutional

Snapchat National Lens

•Total Impressions: 23,570,822

Nearly 300K users completed the Destruction House experience on Roblox

Recognized by USA Today Ad Meter as the 8th best Super Bowl commercial (out of 64)

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