Cannes Lions

No Touchy

SAATCHI & SAATCHI, Los Angeles / TOYOTA / 2023







Everybody knows the Prius is fuel efficient and eco-friendly. It was the first mass-market hybrid vehicle, launching the alt fuel revolution. But a quarter century later, people thought they knew everything there was to know about Prius. Its practical benefits aside, it was considered boring, slow and lame, to the point that the phrase “Cool Prius.” became a common punchline. The 2023 model underwent a bold transformation, designed to induce double-takes and defy expectations. In light of this, we set out to fundamentally change the way people view one of the most iconic and divisive vehicles.


“No Touchy” tells the story of a man so in love with the look of his new Prius that he feels compelled to keep it clean at all costs. We start on our hero, hopping out of his new Prius. He gives his car a loving look before he notices his nemesis: A tree laden with leaves, looming overhead. He glances up at the tree nervously before going on his way. Suddenly, a leaf breaks loose and begins to float gently down towards the pristine car. Our hero runs back into frame and slaps the leaf down, keeping it from ruining the look of his precious Prius. A super appears: It’s easy to fall for now.


In its latest campaign efforts, Prius strives to change the world’s perception of one of the most iconic and divisive vehicles.. The all-new Prius underwent a bold transformation, and the creative challenges the preconceived notion that the Prius is not a stylish car by showing off its sleek new exterior.

The campaign only launched a couple weeks ago, so results are still pending. To date, the video has garnered 12,326,275 digital video impressions.

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