Cannes Lions

No Wi-Fi


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Businesses in Nairobi are quick to advertise when they have Wi-Fi.

But when there’s no Wi-Fi, people are more likely to connect with each other.

So we decided to make a positive out of NOT having Wi-Fi.

We didn’t want to just create No-Wi-Fi signs;

We wanted to create culturally relevant messages that provoked conversations.

We began by collaborating with Musa Omusi.

A Nairobi based artist who creates art that was socially conscious.

We created work that impacts people’s lives and inspires change in in what has become the norm.

To the art we included writing that would strike a cord with popular habits like… updating our social status.

Our headlines used local language (Swahili) Hakuna Wi-Fi (like Hakuna matata) means there's no Wi-Fi.

We made the sub-headlines mimic the action of updating one's status as this is what Nairobians love to do. A like here, a double tap there...


We ran the work around Nairobi, encouraging people to talk instead of going online.

We placed them on billboards, print and in café’s where we had a sampling drive rewarding Kenyans who were creating connections.

We celebrated the few remaining spots in the city with no wi-fi... and reminded Nairobians that nothing quite beats a look in the eye, a touch, or a smile...

The art became conversation starters.

It got people talking but also got people posting on social media to fuel conversations

The brand ambassadors went round rewarding the customers with Doublemint chewing gum and explaining its benefits.


Nairobi was a buzz with what Doublemint were doing, we got people talking.

Not just about the brand but talking about how we need to change our culture.

It made people start something fresh by making connections.

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