Cannes Lions


THESE DAYS, Antwerp / TELENET / 2013

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On June 24th, Telenet upgraded its internet speeds & volumes, free of charge, for all of their clients. Our challenge was to inform internet users in a fun and engaging way. We decided to make a fun twist to the Dutch language: ‘faster internet’ means in Dutch ‘rapper internet’. A play on words resulted in an online, live-streamed 16h non-stop rap marathon in which real rappers instantly rap about any topic you want as quickly as possible. Online people could enter keywords for the rappers to work with. Each rapper had 3 min. time to make up a personalized rap of 30 sec.


We all are familiar with the saying 'the proof of the pudding is in the eating...' So, instead of just solely raising awareness and telling people about the new improved Fibernet, we took it to the next level by granting the target group the ultimate brand experience, enabling them to connect with the brand in a playful way and to experience the benefits of the new improved Fibernet with his upgraded speeds & volumes themselves. Turning it into an honest, fun, engaging brand experience instead of a brief sales talk. Live-streamed bannering on important news sites, bannering on Spotify and a YouTube masthead all linked back to a microsite where you could follow the live-stream, participate yourself by entering keywords and could have a look at the raps that already had passed by, enabling people to share their personalized raps with friends & family.


In just 16hrs, we grabbed the attention of 60.000 visitors on our minisite, made 1000 unique rap movies that lead to 30.000 hits on these clips. Our live stream resulted in a massive 220.000 views. Our YouTube Masthead was one of the best performing campaign items when it comes to traffic generation with a CTR of 0,85% and an interaction rate of 20,59%, three times more than the stated benchmark of 6,7%.

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