Cannes Lions

Non-Valentine's Day

HAVAS, Milan / DUREX / 2020

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Durex is one of the best-selling condom brands across the world.

While everyone associates the brand only with condoms, these aren't the only product they make. In fact, they have been selling a wide range of sex toys and lubes for several years.

For Valentine's Day, the day dedicated to lovers (that is very much felt and celebrated throughout Italy), they wanted to promote their entire product line.

The goal was to increase sales by promoting a healthy, safe and enjoyable sex life with a social media campaign on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.


On Valentine’s Day, all brands use their social media to promote their products using the theme of love.

In such an over-crowded landscape, on a day when love is literally on everyone's mind, we did the only logical thing to be relevant.

We decided to ignore Valentine's Day, and focus instead on the remaining 364 days of the year.


After some in-depth research, we discovered that our target in Italy has a serious problem with sex.

In fact, younger generations find sex less appealing and they're having 20% less of it than they did 20 years ago.

The only day of the year in which they almost always do it, however, is Valentine's Day: 73% of young couples celebrate this day having sex.

So we realized that it was useless to invite lovers to celebrate sex when they would already have done it.

And for this reason, we decided to invite them to have sex during all the other 364 days of the year as well.

The most suitable platform to do this, of course, was the one they spend most of their time on: social media.


February 14 is famous for Valentine's Day.

But every day is the anniversary of many things happened in that day in the past.

And some of those things can be easily related to love (or better, to sex).

Transforming any day of the calendar in a perfectly legitimate “day for lovers”, to be celebrated accordingly.

So, for the whole month before Valentine's Day, we suggested to our fan base different reasons to celebrate each day.

From mid-January until February 14th, we have identified one celebration per day.

Like the first time of Romeo and Juliet (performed in a theater...). Or the erection of the Eiffel Tower. Or the first B-side of a record.

Through videos and posts shared on YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram we suggested many new occasions to have sex and we ironically re-proposed them as if they were invitations to have sex.


Despite the small budget available, the campaign exceeded clients’ expectations and achieved significant results among our fan base:

+125% intention to buy

+310% engagement rate VS average

+85% follower acquisition

+150% brand affinity

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