Cannes Lions

#Not Tired of Hundreds of Trials# Rejoice Larger Than Life Challenge


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In April 2020, Rejoice‘s non-rinse conditioner introduced its superiority to customers by promotion on social media. This action gained a strong reputation and feedback, but also raised customer’s interests in the product and its correct usage. However, customers who have never tried the product are concerned about whether the conditioner is greasy or not and whether it is truly non-rinse. The uncertainties and concerns of customers on products would suppress their consumption of non-rinse conditioners. Therefore, a direct connection between consumer and product needs to be built to highlight the superiority “non-rinse” and “non-greasy”, reduce the consumer's worries and strengthen their confidence in the product.


Word-of-mouth of the product is a primary source of female customers’ pre-purchase search. Testimonial from one customer is not persuasive enough to prove that the non-rinse conditioner is not greasy, but what about the testimonials from 100 customers with different types and lengths of hair? A self-challenges that is larger than life can increase the credibility of the non-rinse conditioner.

Creative idea: #Non-rinse conditioner, not tired of hundreds of trails#

The written expression of this idea in Chinese could be literally interpreted as the product superiority - Rejoice non-rinse conditioner was non-greasy even it was tested by hundreds consumers.


Target Audience

We targeted the 80s and 90s women who desire to achieve smooth hair with effortless and efficient solutions. Those groups of women pay attention to the real reputation of the product.


Increased the number of individuals who present the hair care process in the video. 100 female volunteers with different types, lengths and curliness of hair were recruited to mount a “non-greasy” challenge which can prove the benefits of non-rinse conditioner. An oil-absorbing paper comb was tailor-made for the challenge which would be stained by oil and break if it got stuck by tangle. The "non-greasy" challenge could provide the marketing materials for offline interaction and stimulates consumers' desire which increases e-com sales.


Implementation: 100-metre oil-absorbing paper comb VS 100 girls VS 100 hair types VS 100 lengths VS 100 curliness

For the core activity, we recruited 100 girls and asked them to apply the non-rinse conditioner on the damp hair. Then the 100m tailor-made oil-absorbing paper comb slid through the hair of 100 volunteers smoothly from root to tip without getting stuck by tangle and being stained by oil. This result offered convincing evidence that Rejoice's non-rinse conditioner is non-greasy for real.

Placement: #Non-rinse conditioner, not tired of 100 trials# invited consumers from all over the country to challenge together

1?Released the challenge video on the social platform to create a trendy topic. Meanwhile, we invited celebrities and consumers to challenge, seeding the product superiority and driving traffic to Double 11.

2?Consumers were invited to take a simplified theme challenge in nationwide stores to assist sales activity.


The relevant topics gained over 250 million click-throughs and the number of online interactions exceeded 250,000 - both the awareness of the product superiority and the brand were effectively heightened.

Dramatically increased the traffic of online official store on the Double 11 Shopping Festival of 2020. The search traffic on increased by 200% while that on Tmall increased by 166%.

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