Cannes Lions

Rejoice No Script Documentary Campaign: The Beauty of Age 18 is Only For Once


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In 2020, in light of Rejoice's upgraded product strategy and brand value, reorganize its brand proposition to #Effortless Beauty, Effortless Smoothness#, supporting every woman to pursue beauty in a more time-saving and effortless way.

However, "Effortless Beauty, Effortless Smoothness" is a general proposition of brand value. How to locate the consumer group with the most intense conflict, create noise and talkability for the brand, let "easy-to-rinse shampoo, non-rinse conditioner", which present less time-consuming and more effortless RTB of products to raise the top of mind awareness, and land the value proposition to product selling points was the biggest challenge for the brand.


1. #Effortless Beauty, Effortless Smoothness#, let the candidates who are studying hard day and night to speak out.

The launch of the Rejoice’s brand proposition was timed to coincide with the Gaokao of 2020. They not only had to face the challenges of study, but also have to handle the physical and mental pressure brought by the COVID-19 pandemic. We identified those candidates as the core group and most likely to provoke public empathy.

2. Focus on the national-wide tension that "Gaokao is only for once, but the beauty of age 18 is also only for once".

Gaokao is marked as a turning point in life, however, the beauty of age 18 is for only once as well!

#Effortless Beauty, Effortless Smoothness# turned into a brand promise to women - no one has to abnegate your present beauty to achieve future success.


Abandoned traditional preaching routines of Gaokao-related videos and common inspirational story templates, #Effortless Beauty, Effortless Smoothness#, turned to use the documentary with no script to present.

We didn't want to give the answer in a condescending gesture. Instead, it would be better to listen to what the high school seniors want to say and that was much more powerful. We leveraged the topic of Gaokao, hoping that all girls "are brave enough to be all in while being pretty, no matter now or in the future that is full of challenges”, which also echoed the brand value proposition #Effortless Beauty, Effortless Smoothness#. Meanwhile, we hoped that this new thinking about values and another interpretation of beauty, which proposed by Rejoice as a national-level brand, could become the youth enlightenment in contemporary China.



1. As the role transited from creator to interviewer, we’d been firmly believing that true insight can stand the test of reality when we have no script. We contacted the Mianyang Experimental Middle School in Sichuan and recorded the real self of candidates right before the Gaokao;

2. Walked into their actual life, “The Three Nos” principle helped create the sense of the reality of documentary. No labelling, no persona, no judgment - was the joint creation principles of us and Director Hou Zuxin.


1. This documentary was released on the final day of Gaokao and the topic #What have you missed for Gaokao# became a trendy hashtag on Weibo, which had engaged the public and provoked discussion;

2. Involved the Weibo accounts of several universities and regional media in reposting the video on Gaokao, to trigger more organic interaction and UGC.


1. Without leveraging the influence of celebrity, Rejoice’s Weibo topic #What have you missed for Gaokao# still gained more than 250 million readings and more than 35,000 people shared their story related to Gaokao within three days;

2. Rejoice’s documentary has achieved more than 180 million viewership and 450,000+ interactions across the Internet, setting a new record for Rejoice’s brand campaign;

3. Rejoice was ranked No. 1 in the category of hair care in that month, and its brand sales share was more than 15% of the total category sales;

4. Supported the enhancement of brand influence. According to Brand Health Tracking, by the end of July 2020, Rejoice's brand awareness of “Smooth” had increased by 10pts.

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