Cannes Lions




1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Case Film
Presentation Image
Supporting Images







Honey Maid is a classic, all-American brand that’s been part of families’ lives since 1925. But by 2013 it was seen as old-fashioned. Our challenge was to reposition Honey Maid as a modern snacking brand for today’s families. We drew a parallel between the brand and modern day families, recognizing that despite much change over the years, what defined them as wholesome hadn’t changed.

On March 10, 2014, we launched the “This is Wholesome” campaign, celebrating the diversity of all families in America including gay dads and single parents.

As we developed phase two of the campaign, we realized that we had missed out one important type of family rarely seen in marketing - the blended family (40 percent of Americans live in a blended family).


Celebrate that non-traditional families (including blended families) can be as “wholesome” and loving as other families.


On September 8th 2014, we created a film that introduced the world to a blended family - showing that just because a family is broken up, doesn't mean it's broken. Honey Maid fans and followers were then encouraged to share their blended family stories (and support) with the hashtags #NotBroken and #ThisIsWholesome.

We then built an art installation from their support. Strings were hung with pairs of keys to represent the two homes of every blended family. These keys collectively formed a heart shape that symbolized the love of every blended family.


On September 8th, we introduced our fan base to the #NotBroken campaign across social by changing our profile and cover photos. The updated assets invited our fans to join the conversation and celebration around National Stepfamily Day. We also released a long-form documentary following the newest addition to the Honey Maid team, a blended family, and promoted it on Facebook and Twitter. Supplemental posts were posted to the platforms with the call-to-action for users to “share” their own story and support. Leveraging the positive messages and support, we created a sculpture of keys to symbolize the two households of blended families.


Across PR and social, ""Blended"" received over 118M impressions and 1.2M video views. The campaign generated over 496 PR stories across all media, including in The Huffington Post, USA Today, Time magazine, Mashable, Elite Daily and Today’s Parent.

The campaign was mentioned 7,401 times, and we inspired over 20,000 engagements and 4,091 shares of our "Blended" content.

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