Cannes Lions

Nursing Moms Stay Plugged into Life, Not the Wall with New Willow Wearable Breast Pump


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Willow set out to redefine the breast pump category with a purpose-driven wearable; one that goes beyond measuring health stats and instead actively improves healthcare by helping moms meet breastfeeding goals. To create demand and excitement, the team sought a global platform to debut Willow.

Over 177,000 people from around the world flock to Las Vegas in January to attend the International Consumer Electronics Show, where technology innovations fight to capture the attention of media, influencers, government officials and more.

As a new kind of wearable, CES seemed the optimal venue to introduce this unique “mobile device,” one that works quietly and discreetly inside a woman’s bra, collects milk in a leak-proof bag, and tracks milk volume with an app. CES has a reputation as a gadget-focused event with products targeted to men, so we believed debuting a purpose-driven product designed for women would attract massive attention.


In just 5 weeks, the team honed product messaging, crafted content and collateral, and media trained Willow executives to share a consistent story. Message clarity and strong visuals inspired video coverage that reached global masses, as CES marked the first time the world had ever seen Willow.

In addition to securing space at the Baby Tech Summit section of CES, Willow participated in two media-exclusive events, Pepcom/Digital Experience and ShowStoppers, ensuring multiple opportunities for Willow’s debut. Proactive outreach to reporters in advance and press release distribution the first day of the show drove widespread interest and booth traffic.

Instead of the hired models and actors typically found at show booths, the Willow space was staffed by the women and men who created Willow. Their pride, excitement and knowledge was felt in each product demo, whether it was for a Wall Street Journal reporter or a working mom in attendance.


Media declared Willow one of CES’ hottest products. The overwhelmingly positive response to both Willow and its emotional message indicated that the creative idea to position it as a new kind of purpose-driven wearable that delivered meaningful benefits to moms was spot on. Leading tech outlet Engadget’s headline summed it up nicely: “How a Smart Breast Pump Won CES – Building something that solves a real problem is a good place to start.”

Willow was heralded as a multi-tasking time-saver and game changer by media and garnered global coverage. Through 454 stories and 632 social posts, we secured 1,092,826,226 earned impressions.

The generated buzz also delivered numerous awards: Engadget (Best Digital and Health Fitness Product; Best Wearable), Digital Trends (Wearables), Today (CES Editors’ Choice Winners), and Women’s Health Magazine (Editors Pick Awards), among others.

PR efforts alone resulted in 38,290 purchase inquiries, and more than 218,000 unique website visits.

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